Qingze Guan
Qingze Guan
Washington State University
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Density oscillations induced by individual ultracold two-body collisions
Q Guan, V Klinkhamer, R Klemt, JH Becher, A Bergschneider, PM Preiss, ...
Physical review letters 122 (8), 083401, 2019
Magic conditions for multiple rotational states of bialkali molecules in optical lattices
Q Guan, SL Cornish, S Kotochigova
Physical Review A 103 (4), 043311, 2021
Nonexponential tunneling due to mean-field-induced swallowtails
Q Guan, MKH Ome, TM Bersano, S Mossman, P Engels, D Blume
Physical review letters 125 (21), 213401, 2020
Spin structure of harmonically trapped one-dimensional atoms with spin-orbit coupling
Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review A 92 (2), 023641, 2015
Ultrafast manipulation of the weakly bound helium dimer
M Kunitski, Q Guan, H Maschkiwitz, J Hahnenbruch, S Eckart, S Zeller, ...
Nature Physics 17 (2), 174-178, 2021
Scattering framework for two particles with isotropic spin-orbit coupling applicable to all energies
Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review A 94 (2), 022706, 2016
Roaming pathways and survival probability in real-time collisional dynamics of cold and controlled bialkali molecules
J Kłos, Q Guan, H Li, M Li, E Tiesinga, S Kotochigova
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 10598, 2021
Mean-field spin-oscillation dynamics beyond the single-mode approximation for a harmonically trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate
J Jie, Q Guan, S Zhong, A Schwettmann, D Blume
Physical Review A 102 (2), 023324, 2020
Tailored generation of quantum states in an entangled spinor interferometer to overcome detection noise
Q Guan, GW Biedermann, A Schwettmann, RJ Lewis-Swan
Physical Review A 104 (4), 042415, 2021
Identifying and harnessing dynamical phase transitions for quantum-enhanced sensing
Q Guan, RJ Lewis-Swan
Phys. Rev. Research 3 (3), 033199, 2021
Analytical coupled-channel treatment of two-body scattering in the presence of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling
Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review A 95 (2), 020702, 2017
Nondestructive dispersive imaging of rotationally excited ultracold molecules
Q Guan, M Highman, EJ Meier, GR Williams, V Scarola, B DeMarco, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (36), 20531-20544, 2020
Spinor Bose-Einstein condensate interferometer within the undepleted pump approximation: Role of the initial state
J Jie, Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review A 100 (4), 043606, 2019
Energy spectrum of a harmonically trapped two-atom system with spin–orbit coupling
Q Guan, XY Yin, SE Gharashi, D Blume
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (16), 161001, 2014
Rabi oscillations and Ramsey-type pulses in ultracold bosons: Role of interactions
Q Guan, TM Bersano, S Mossman, P Engels, D Blume
Physical Review A 101 (6), 063620, 2020
Electric-field-induced helium-helium resonances
Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review A 99 (3), 033416, 2019
Three-boson spectrum in the presence of 1D spin-orbit coupling: Efimov’s generalized radial scaling law
Q Guan, D Blume
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021057, 2018
Quench-induced nonequilibrium dynamics of spinor gases in a moving lattice
ZN Hardesty-Shaw, Q Guan, JO Austin, D Blume, RJ Lewis-Swan, Y Liu
Physical Review A 107 (5), 053311, 2023
Nonlinear multistate tunneling dynamics in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate
ZN Hardesty-Shaw, Q Guan, JO Austin-Harris, D Blume, RJ Lewis-Swan, ...
Physical Review A 108 (5), 053307, 2023
Dynamical mean-field-driven spinor-condensate physics beyond the single-mode approximation
J Jie, S Zhong, Q Zhang, I Morgenstern, HG Ooi, Q Guan, A Bhagat, ...
Physical Review A 107 (5), 053309, 2023
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