Tarek El-Gaaly
Tarek El-Gaaly
AI Researcher
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Detecting deep-fake videos from appearance and behavior
S Agarwal, H Farid, T El-Gaaly, SN Lim
2020 IEEE international workshop on information forensics and security (WIFS …, 2020
BinGAN: Learning Compact Binary Descriptors with a Regularized GAN
M Zieba, P Semberecki, T El-Gaaly, T Trzcinski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06778, 2018
A Comparative Analysis and Study of Multiview CNN Models for Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation
M Elhoseiny*, T El-Gaaly*, A Bakry*, A Elgammal
Proceedings of The 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning, 888-897, 2016
Joint Object and Pose Recognition using Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis
H Zhang, T El-Gaaly, A Elgammal, Z Jiang
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2013, 2013
Visual Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Watercraft using Smartphones
T El-Gaaly, C Tomaszewski, A Valada, P Velagapudi, B Kannan, P Scerri
Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems workshop (ARMS 2013, at AAMAS 2013), 2013
Digging Deep into the layers of CNNs: In Search of How CNNs Achieve View Invariance
A Bakry*, M Elhoseiny*, T El-Gaaly*, A Elgammal
International Conference on Learning Representations ICLR (* co-first authors), 2016
Hierarchical Semantic Hashing: Visual Localization from Buildings on Maps
T Senlet, T El-Gaaly, A Elgammal
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2014
Convolutional Models for Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation
M Elhoseiny*, T El-Gaaly*, A Bakry*, A Elgammal
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop 2016, 2016
A Bayesian Approach to Perceptual 3D Object-Part Decomposition using Skeleton-based Representations
T El-Gaaly, V Froyen, A Elgammal, J Feldman, M Singh
AAAI 2015, 2015
Factorization of view-object manifolds for joint object recognition and pose estimation
H Zhang, T El-Gaaly, A Elgammal, Z Jiang
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 139, 89-103, 2015
RGBD Object Pose Recognition using Local-Global Multi-Kernel Regression
T El-Gaaly, M Torki, A Elgammal, M Singh
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012
3D object recognition with ensemble learning—A study of point cloud-based deep learning models
D Koguciuk, Ł Chechliński, T El-Gaaly
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 100-114, 2019
Joint object recognition and pose estimation using a nonlinear view-invariant latent generative model
A Bakry*, T Elgaaly*, M Elhoseiny, A Elgammal
2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1-9, 2016
Spatial-Visual Label Propagation for Local Feature Classification
T El-Gaaly, M Torki, A Elgammal
Multi-Segment Zeppelin-Aided Robotic Rover for Ground-Based and Atmospheric Exploration
T El-Gaaly, B McMahan, A Elqursh
Print-only presentation at Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration 2012, 2012
Skimming Video Action Using Annotated 3D Surfaces
B Falchuk, CY Wu, T El-Gaaly, A Vashist
Eurographics 2011, 2011
Measuring Atmospheric Scattering from Digital Images of Urban Scenery using Temporal Polarization-Based Vision
T El-Gaaly, J Gluckman
ArXiv:1407.3540, 2010
A joint framework for object recognition: Categorization, instance recognition and pose estimation
T El-Gaaly
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2016
Multi-Modal RGBD Sensors for Object Recognition
T El-Gaaly, H Zhang, M Torki, A Elgammal, S Maneesh, J Zhiguo
Special Session on RGBD Applications, ACCV 2012, 2012
Multi-Modal RGBD Sensors for Object Grasping and Manipulation
T El-Gaaly, M Torki, A Elgammal, M Singh
IROS 2012 Workshop: Beyond Robot Grasping - Modern Approaches for Learning …, 2012
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Articles 1–20