Nur Arfian
Nur Arfian
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Uric acid causes kidney injury through inducing fibroblast expansion, Endothelin-1 expression, and inflammation
MM Romi, N Arfian, U Tranggono, WAW Setyaningsih, DCR Sari
BMC nephrology 18, 1-8, 2017
Effects of low and moderate treadmill exercise on liver of d‐galactose‐exposed aging rat model
W Wasityastuti, NA Habib, DCR Sari, N Arfian
Physiological reports 7 (21), e14279, 2019
ET-1 deletion from endothelial cells protects the kidney during the extension phase of ischemia/reperfusion injury
N Arfian, N Emoto, N Vignon-Zellweger, K Nakayama, K Yagi, K Hirata
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 425 (2), 443-449, 2012
Antimigration activity of an ethylacetate fraction of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. fruits in 4T1 breast cancer cells
U Harahap, PAZ Hasibuan, P Sitorus, N Arfian, D Satria
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP 19 (2), 565, 2018
Histochemical and immunohistochemical study of α-SMA, collagen, and PCNA in epithelial ovarian neoplasm
N Anggorowati, CR Kurniasari, K Damayanti, T Cahyanti, I Widodo, ...
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 18 (3), 667, 2017
Activation of W nt5a‐R or2 signaling associated with epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transition of tubular epithelial cells during renal fibrosis
X Li, K Yamagata, M Nishita, M Endo, N Arfian, Y Rikitake, N Emoto, ...
Genes to Cells 18 (7), 608-619, 2013
Chlorogenic acid ameliorates memory loss and hippocampal cell death after transient global ischemia
E Hermawati, N Arfian, M Mustofa, G Partadiredja
European Journal of Neuroscience 51 (2), 651-669, 2020
Vitamin D attenuates kidney fibrosis via reducing fibroblast expansion, inflammation, and epithelial cell apoptosis
NUR Arfian, K Muflikhah, SK Soeyono, DCR Sari, U Tranggono, ...
The Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 62 (2), E38, 2016
Reduction of serum uric acid associated with attenuation of renal injury, inflammation and macrophages M1/M2 ratio in hyperuricemic mice model
A Haryono, DAA Nugrahaningsih, DCR Sari, MM Romi, N Arfian
Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences 64 (3), E107, 2018
Chlorogenic acid attenuates kidney ischemic/reperfusion injury via reducing inflammation, tubular injury, and myofibroblast formation
N Arfian, DAP Wahyudi, IB Zulfatina, AN Citta, N Anggorowati, ...
BioMed Research International 2019 (1), 5423703, 2019
Ethanol extracts of centella asiatica leaf improves memory performance in rats after chronic stress via reducing nitric oxide and increasing Brain-Derived …
DCR Sari, S Aswin, R Susilowati, M Ar-Rochmah, D Prakosa, M Romi, ...
GSTF Journal of Psychology (JPsych) 1, 1-7, 2014
Endothelial-derived endothelin-1 promotes pulmonary vascular remodeling in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis.
AB Hartopo, N Arfian, K Nakayama, Y Suzuki, K Yagi, N Emoto
Physiological research 67, 2018
Ethanolic Extract of Centella asiatica Treatment in the Early Stage of Hyperglycemia Condition Inhibits Glomerular Injury and Vascular Remodeling in Diabetic Rat …
WAW Setyaningsih, N Arfian, AS Fitriawan, R Yuniartha, DCR Sari
Evidence‐Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2021 (1), 6671130, 2021
Vitamin D upregulates endothelin-1, ETBR, eNOS mRNA expression and attenuates vascular remodelling and ischemia in kidney fibrosis model in mice.
N Arfian, MHH Kusuma, N Anggorowati, DB Nugroho, A Jeffilano, ...
Physiological research 67, 2018
Hyperuricemia induces Wnt5a/Ror2 gene expression, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and kidney tubular injury in mice
WAW Setyaningsih, N Arfian, E Suryadi, MM Romi, U Tranggono, ...
Iranian journal of medical sciences 43 (2), 164, 2018
Curcumin prevents epithelial-to mesenchymal transition-mediated ovarian cancer progression through nrf2/etbr/et-1 axis and preserves mitochondria biogenesis in kidney after …
AJ Barinda, W Arozal, NMD Sandhiutami, M Louisa, N Arfian, N Sandora, ...
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin 12 (1), 128, 2020
Centella asiatica (Gotu kola) ethanol extract up-regulates hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tyrosine kinase B (TrkB) and extracellular signal-regulated …
DCR Sari, N Arfian, U Tranggono, WAW Setyaningsih, MM Romi, ...
Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 22 (10), 1218, 2019
Endothelin converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) deletion in association with endothelin-1 downregulation ameliorates kidney fibrosis in mice
N Arfian, Y Suzuki, AB Hartopo, N Anggorowati, DAA Nugrahaningsih, ...
Life Sciences 258, 118223, 2020
Heparanase upregulation from adipocyte associates with inflammation and endothelial injury in diabetic condition
N Arfian, WAW Setyaningsih, MM Romi, DCR Sari
BMC proceedings 13 (Suppl 11), 17, 2019
Effect of kidney ischemia/reperfusion injury on proliferation, apoptosis, and cellular senescence in acute kidney injury in mice
FT Sari, FT Sari, FT Sari, N Arfian, DCR Sari
Med J Malaysia 75 (Suppl 1), 20-23, 2020
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Articles 1–20