Tosti H.C. Chiang
Tosti H.C. Chiang
在 ntnu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
An augmented reality-based mobile learning system to improve students’ learning achievements and motivations in natural science inquiry activities
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, GJ Hwang
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17 (4), 352-365, 2014
Students' online interactive patterns in augmented reality-based inquiry activities
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, GJ Hwang
Computers & Education 78, 97-108, 2014
Effects of situated mobile learning approach on learning motivation and performance of EFL students
CSJ Huang, SJH Yang, THC Chiang, AYS Su
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (1), 263-276, 2016
Analysis of learning behavior in a flipped programing classroom adopting problem-solving strategies
THC Chiang
Learning Analytics, 47-60, 2018
Effect of gender differences on 3-on-3 basketball games taught in a mobile flipped classroom
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, C Yin
Interactive Learning Environments 27 (8), 1093-1105, 2019
Investigating effects of interactive virtual reality games and gender on immersion, empathy and behavior into environmental education
THC Chiang
Frontiers in psychology 12, 608407, 2021
Student motivation and achievement in learning English as a second language using Second Life
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, CSJ Huang, HH Liou
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 6 (1), 1, 2014
Impact of artificial intelligence news source credibility identification system on effectiveness of media literacy education
THC Chiang, CS Liao, WC Wang
Sustainability 14 (8), 4830, 2022
Investigating the difference of fake news source credibility recognition between ANN and BERT algorithms in artificial intelligence
THC Chiang, CS Liao, WC Wang
Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7725, 2022
The effects of 5E learning strategies by image-based augmented reality of mobile learning for elementary students
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, CSJ Huang, AYS Su
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 9 (4), 301-314, 2015
A multi-dimensional personalization approach to developing adaptive learning systems
TC Yang, GJ Hwang, THC Chiang, SJH Yang
Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge Discovery in Complex, Unstructured …, 2013
Creating e-portfolio in U-learning Environment: A Framework of Could-based e-portfolio Service
TC Yang, THC Chiang, SJH Yang
2012 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and …, 2012
楊鎮華, 蔣旭政
前瞻科技與管理 1 (1), 15-33, 2011
Investigating the motivation between ubiquitous learning strategy and gender for basketball sport literacy
THC Chiang, SJH Yang
2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI …, 2017
Cooperative learning by location-based augmented reality for an inquiry learning course
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, CJH Huang, AYS Su
2014 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology …, 2014
Technology enhanced language learning in virtual worlds
THC Chiang, TTC Tsai, IYS Li, IYT Hsiao, SJH Yang
Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems: Technology Enhanced Support for …, 2012
Stephen JH Yang (1)*
CSJ Huang
Tosti HC Chiang (2) and Addison YS Su (3), 0
Effects of a mobile flipped classroom strategy and gender issues on students’ learning achievement in three-on-three basketball competition teaching
THC Chiang, SJH Yang, C Yin
Examining the Trend of Taiwan Primary and High School Scientific Exhibition by Using Text Mining Technique
SY Wang, OHT Lu, WL Lee, THC Chiang, WS Su, MC Lin, SJH Yang
2017 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI …, 2017
The Effect of Integrating Task Scaffolding into MakeCode Arcade with WiFiBoy on Students’ Learning Motivation, Cooperative Tendency, and Altruistic Behaviors in Programming …
WT Wu, PH Wu, MC Wu, THC Chiang, JP Hwang
International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning, 244-252, 2024
文章 1–20