Andy C. H. Lee
Andy C. H. Lee
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Going beyond LTM in the MTL: A synthesis of neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings on the role of the medial temporal lobe in memory and perception
KS Graham, MD Barense, ACH Lee
Neuropsychologia 48 (4), 831-853, 2010
Perceptual deficits in amnesia: challenging the medial temporal lobe 'mnemonic' view
ACH Lee, TJ Bussey, EA Murray, LM Saksida, RA Epstein, N Kapur, ...
Neuropsychologia 43 (1), 1-11, 2005
Specialization in the medial temporal lobe for processing of objects and scenes
ACH Lee, MJ Buckley, SJ Pegman, H Spiers, VL Scahill, D Gaffan, ...
Hippocampus 15 (6), 782-797, 2005
Functional specialization in the human medial temporal lobe
MD Barense, TJ Bussey, ACH Lee, TT Rogers, RR Davies, LM Saksida, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (44), 10239-10246, 2005
The hippocampus and visual perception
ACH Lee, LK Yeung, MD Barense
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 2012
Medial temporal lobe activity during complex discrimination of faces, objects, and scenes: Effects of viewpoint
MD Barense, RNA Henson, ACH Lee, KS Graham
Hippocampus 20 (3), 389-401, 2010
Differentiating the roles of the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex in processes beyond long-term declarative memory: a double dissociation in dementia
ACH Lee, MJ Buckley, D Gaffan, T Emery, JR Hodges, KS Graham
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (19), 5198-5203, 2006
The role of the hippocampus in approach-avoidance conflict decision-making: Evidence from rodent and human studies
R Ito, ACH Lee
Behavioural Brain Research 313, 345-357, 2016
The neural basis of autobiographical and semantic memory: new evidence from three PET studies
KS Graham, ACH Lee, M Brett, K Patterson
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 3, 234-254, 2003
Activating the medial temporal lobe during oddity judgment for faces and scenes
ACH Lee, VL Scahill, KS Graham
Cerebral Cortex 18 (3), 683-696, 2008
Intact Memory for Irrelevant Information Impairs Perception in Amnesia
MD Barense, IIA Groen, ACH Lee, LK Yeung, SM Brady, M Gregori, ...
Neuron 75 (1), 157-167, 2012
A Potential Spatial Working Memory Training Task to Improve Both Episodic Memory and Fluid Intelligence
SR Rudebeck, D Bor, A Ormond, JX O’Reilly, ACH Lee
PloS one 7 (11), e50431, 2012
Fornix microstructure correlates with recollection but not familiarity memory
SR Rudebeck, J Scholz, R Millington, G Rohenkohl, H Johansen-Berg, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (47), 14987-14992, 2009
Associative and recognition memory for novel objects in dementia: implications for diagnosis
ACH Lee, S Rahman, JR Hodges, BJ Sahakian, KS Graham
European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (6), 1660-1670, 2003
The contribution of the human medial temporal lobe to perception: bridging the gap between animal and human studies
ACH Lee, MD Barense, KS Graham
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 58 (3-4b), 300-325, 2005
Abnormal categorization and perceptual learning in patients with hippocampal damage
KS Graham, VL Scahill, M Hornberger, MD Barense, ACH Lee, TJ Bussey, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (29), 7547-7554, 2006
Ventral hippocampal CA1 and CA3 differentially mediate learned approach-avoidance conflict processing
A Schumacher, FR Villaruel, A Ussling, S Riaz, ACH Lee, R Ito
Current Biology 28, 1-7, 2018
Frontal lobe involvement in spatial span: Converging studies of normal and impaired function
D Bor, J Duncan, ACH Lee, A Parr, AM Owen
Neuropsychologia 44 (2), 229-237, 2006
Examining the Role of the Human Hippocampus in Approach–Avoidance Decision Making Using a Novel Conflict Paradigm and Multivariate Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
EB O'Neil, RN Newsome, IHN Li, S Thavabalasingam, R Ito, ACH Lee
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (45), 15039-15049, 2015
Dissociating aspects of verbal working memory within the human frontal lobe: further evidence for a “process-specific” model of lateral frontal organization
AM Owen, ACH Lee, EJ Williams
Psychobiology 28 (2), 146-155, 2000
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