Chih-Kai Chang
Chih-Kai Chang
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Ubiquitous learning website: Scaffold learners by mobile devices with information-aware techniques
GD Chen, CK Chang, CY Wang
Computers & education 50 (1), 77-90, 2008
A personalized recommendation-based mobile learning approach to improving the reading performance of EFL students
CK Hsu, GJ Hwang, CK Chang
Computers & education 63, 327-336, 2013
A mobile-assisted synchronously collaborative translation–annotation system for English as a foreign language (EFL) reading comprehension
CK Chang, CK Hsu
Computer assisted language learning 24 (2), 155-180, 2011
Assessing the effectiveness of learning solid geometry by using an augmented reality-assisted learning system
HCK Lin, MC Chen, CK Chang
Interactive Learning Environments 23 (6), 799-810, 2015
Effects of video caption modes on English listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition using handheld devices
CK Hsu, GJ Hwang, YT Chang, CK Chang
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 16 (1), 403-414, 2013
Motivational strategies in a mobile inquiry-based language learning setting
C Chang, CK Chang, JL Shih
System 59, 100-115, 2016
Development of a reading material recommendation system based on a knowledge engineering approach
CK Hsu, GJ Hwang, CK Chang
Computers & Education 55 (1), 76-83, 2010
Effects of using Alice and Scratch in an introductory programming course for corrective instruction
CK Chang
Journal of Educational Computing Research 51 (2), 185-204, 2014
Constructing a community of practice to improve coursework activity
C Chang, GD Chen, LY Li
Computers & Education 50 (1), 235-247, 2008
Acceptability of an asynchronous learning forum on mobile devices
CK Chang
Behaviour & Information Technology 29 (1), 23-33, 2010
Effects on learners' performance of using selected and open network resources in a problem‐based learning activity
CK Hsu, GJ Hwang, CW Chuang, CK Chang
British Journal of Educational Technology 43 (4), 606-623, 2012
Promoting autonomy and ownership in students studying English using digital comic performance-based learning
GD Chen, CY Fan, CK Chang, YH Chang, YH Chen
Educational Technology Research and Development 66 (4), 955–978, 2018
Developing students' listening metacognitive strategies using online videotext self-dictation-generation learning activity
C Chang, CK Chang
The EUROCALL Review 22 (1), 3-19, 2014
An Automatic Caption Filtering and Partial Hiding Approach to Improving the English Listening Comprehension of EFL Students
CK Hsu, GJ Hwang, CK Chang
Educational Technology & Society 17 (2), 270–283, 2014
Providing adequate interactions in online discussion forums using few teaching assistants.
CK Chang, GD Chen, CK Hsu
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET 10 (3), 193-202, 2011
A mobile instructional pervasive game method for language learning
C Chang, JL Shih, CK Chang
Universal Access in the Information Society 16 (3), 653–665, 2017
Using Scratch as game-based learning tool to reduce learning anxiety in programming course
WY Wu, CK Chang, YY He
Global learn, 1845-1852, 2010
Constructing a streaming video-based learning forum for collaborative learning
CK Chang
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 13 (3), 245-263, 2004
Refining collaborative learning strategies for reducing the technical requirements of web-based classroom management
CK Chang
Innovations in education and teaching international 38 (2), 133-143, 2001
Learning motivation and retention effects of pair programming in data structures courses
YF Yang, CI Lee, CK Chang
Education for Information 32 (3), 249-267, 2016
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