Lieven Clarisse
Lieven Clarisse
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Monitoring of atmospheric composition using the thermal infrared IASI/MetOp sounder
C Clerbaux, A Boynard, L Clarisse, M George, J Hadji-Lazaro, H Herbin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (16), 6041-6054, 2009
Global ammonia distribution derived from infrared satellite observations
L Clarisse, C Clerbaux, F Dentener, D Hurtmans, PF Coheur
Nature Geoscience 2 (7), 479-483, 2009
Industrial and agricultural ammonia point sources exposed
M Van Damme, L Clarisse, S Whitburn, J Hadji-Lazaro, D Hurtmans, ...
Nature 564 (7734), 99-103, 2018
Stratospheric aerosol—Observations, processes, and impact on climate
S Kremser, LW Thomason, M von Hobe, M Hermann, T Deshler, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 54 (2), 278-335, 2016
Towards a climate-dependent paradigm of ammonia emission and deposition
MA Sutton, S Reis, SN Riddick, U Dragosits, E Nemitz, MR Theobald, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Hyperspectral Earth observation from IASI: Five years of accomplishments
F Hilton, R Armante, T August, C Barnet, A Bouchard, C Camy-Peyret, ...
bulletin of the american meteorological Society 93 (3), 347-370, 2012
Determination of time-and height-resolved volcanic ash emissions and their use for quantitative ash dispersion modeling: the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption
A Stohl, AJ Prata, S Eckhardt, L Clarisse, A Durant, S Henne, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (9), 4333-4351, 2011
The 2010 explosive eruption of Java's Merapi volcano—a ‘100-year’event
P Jousset, J Pallister, M Boichu, MF Buongiorno, A Budisantoso, F Costa, ...
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 241, 121-135, 2012
Multi-decadal satellite measurements of global volcanic degassing
SA Carn, L Clarisse, AJ Prata
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 311, 99-134, 2016
Atmospheric ammonia and particulate inorganic nitrogen over the United States
CL Heald, JL Collett Jr, T Lee, KB Benedict, FM Schwandner, Y Li, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (21), 10295-10312, 2012
Strong constraints on aerosol–cloud interactions from volcanic eruptions
FF Malavelle, JM Haywood, A Jones, A Gettelman, L Clarisse, S Bauduin, ...
Nature 546 (7659), 485-491, 2017
Global distributions, time series and error characterization of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) from IASI satellite observations
M Van Damme, L Clarisse, CL Heald, D Hurtmans, Y Ngadi, C Clerbaux, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 14 (6), 2905-2922, 2014
Satellite evidence for a large source of formic acid from boreal and tropical forests
T Stavrakou, JF Müller, J Peeters, A Razavi, L Clarisse, C Clerbaux, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (1), 26-30, 2012
Ammonia emissions may be substantially underestimated in China
X Zhang, Y Wu, X Liu, S Reis, J Jin, U Dragosits, M Van Damme, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (21), 12089-12096, 2017
Volcanic SO2 fluxes derived from satellite data: a survey using OMI, GOME-2, IASI and MODIS
N Theys, R Campion, L Clarisse, H Brenot, J Van Gent, B Dils, S Corradini, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (12), 5945-5968, 2013
IASI measurements of reactive trace species in biomass burning plumes
PF Coheur, L Clarisse, S Turquety, D Hurtmans, C Clerbaux
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (15), 5655-5667, 2009
FORLI radiative transfer and retrieval code for IASI
D Hurtmans, PF Coheur, C Wespes, L Clarisse, O Scharf, C Clerbaux, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 113 (11), 1391-1408, 2012
Development, production and evaluation of aerosol climate data records from European satellite observations (Aerosol_cci)
T Popp, G De Leeuw, C Bingen, C Brühl, V Capelle, A Chedin, L Clarisse, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (5), 421, 2016
Tracking and quantifying volcanic SO2 with IASI, the September 2007 eruption at Jebel at Tair
L Clarisse, PF Coheur, AJ Prata, D Hurtmans, A Razavi, T Phulpin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (24), 7723-7734, 2008
Retrieval of sulphur dioxide from the infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI)
L Clarisse, D Hurtmans, C Clerbaux, J Hadji-Lazaro, Y Ngadi, PF Coheur
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 (3), 581-594, 2012
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