Irfan Dwidya Prijambada
Irfan Dwidya Prijambada
Professor of Environmental Biotechnology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Cited by
Emergence of nylon oligomer degradation enzymes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO through experimental evolution
ID Prijambada, S Negoro, T Yomo, I Urabe
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61 (5), 2020-2022, 1995
Solubility of artificial proteins with random sequences
ID Prijambada, T Yomo, F Tanaka, T Kawama, K Yamamoto, A Hasegawa, ...
FEBS letters 382 (1-2), 21-25, 1996
Characterization of soluble artificial proteins with random sequences
A Yamauchi, T Yomo, F Tanaka, ID Prijambada, S Ohhashi, K Yamamoto, ...
Febs Letters 421 (2), 147-151, 1998
Membangun Kedaulatan Bangsa Berdasarkan Nilai-nilai Pancasila: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Kawasan Terluar, Terdepan, dan Tertinggal (3T): Kumpulan makalah call for papers …
WK Jaya, SE Swasono, R Baswir, ID Prijambada
Pusat Studi Pancasila UGM, 2015
Selection of yeast strains for ethanol fermentation of glucose-Fructose-sucrose mixture.
Jasman, ID Prijambada, D Widianto, C Hidayat
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology 17 (2), 114-120, 2012
Laju fotosintesis dan kandungan klorofil kedelai pada media tanam masam dengan pemberian garam aluminium
E Proklamasiningsih, ID Prijambada, D Rachmawati, RP Sancayaningsih
Agrotrop 2 (1), 17-24, 2012
Peranan pohon pelindung dalam menentukan produktivitas kopi
R Evizal, T Tohari, ID Prijambada, J Widada
Jurnal agrotropika 17 (1), 2020
Pengaruh tipe agroekosistem terhadap produktivitas dan keberlanjutan usahatani kopi
R Evizal, Tohari, ID Prijambada, J Widada
Jurnal Agrotropika 15 (1), 17-22, 2010
Secretion of organic acids by phosphate solubilizing bacteria
ID Prijambada, J Widada, S Kabirun, D Widianto
Journal of Tropical Soils 14 (3), 245-251, 2009
Isolation and identification of plant growth promoting and chromium uptake enhancing bacteria from soil contaminated by leather tanning industrial waste
R Rosariastuti, ID Prijambada, GS Prawidyarini, AR Putri
Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 9, 243-251, 2013
Amino acid alterations essential for increasing the catalytic activity of the nylon‐oligomer‐degradation enzyme of Flavobacterium sp.
K Kato, K Fujiyama, HS Hatanaka, ID Priyambada, S Negoro, I Urabe, ...
European journal of biochemistry 200 (1), 165-169, 1991
Soil bacterial diversity and productivity of coffee-shade tree agro-ecosystems
R Evizal, T Tohari, ID Prijambada, J Widada, D Widianto
Journal of Tropical Soils 17 (2), 181-187, 2012
Strengthening primary health care: emergency and disaster preparedness in community with multidisciplinary approach
F Mawardi, AS Lestari, ABT Randita, DR Kambey, ID Prijambada
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness 15 (6), 675-676, 2021
Layanan Lingkungan Pohon Pelindung pada Sumbangan Hara dan Produktivitas Agroekosistem Kopi
R Evizal, T Tohari, ID Prijambada, J Widada, D Widianto
Pelita Perkebunan 25 (1), 23-37, 2008
Comparative characterization of bacterial communities in moss-covered and unvegetated volcanic deposits of Mount Merapi, Indonesia
AN Lathifah, Y Guo, N Sakagami, W Suda, M Higuchi, T Nishizawa, ...
Microbes and environments 34 (3), 268-277, 2019
Bacterial Cr (VI) reduction and its impact in bioremediation
A Pramono, MMAR Rosariastuti, N Ngadiman, ID Prijambada
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan 11 (2), 120-131, 2013
Enrichment of thermophilic methanogenic microflora from mesophilic waste activated sludge for anaerobic digestion of garbage slurry
M Mellyanawaty, S Nakakoji, M Tatara, L Marbelia, ID Prijambada, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 132 (6), 630-639, 2021
Effect of organic acids amendment on the growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max) in Ultisol
ID Prijambada, E Proklamasiningsih
Int. J. Agric. Biol 12, 566-570, 2010
Legume nodulating bacterium, Achromobacter xylosoxidans found in tropical shrub agroecosystem, Sumatera, Indonesia
S Wedhastri, D Mindrati Fardhani, S Kabirun, J Widada, D Widianto, ...
Maj Kedokt Indon 18 (2), 2013
Isolation, characterization and infection test of proteolytic bacteria isolated from mangrove sediment
T Triyanto, A Isnansetyo, ID Prijambada, J Widada, A Tarmiawati
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada 11 (1), 13-18, 2009
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Articles 1–20