Carlos Aiken
Carlos Aiken
Professor of Geosciences University of Texas at Dallas
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Tectonic development of Panama, Costa Rica, and the Colombian Andes: constraints from global positioning system geodetic studies and gravity
JN Kellogg, V Vega
Geological Society of America special paper 295, 75, 1995
New standards for reducing gravity data: The North American gravity database
WJ Hinze, C Aiken, J Brozena, B Coakley, D Dater, G Flanagan, ...
Geophysics 70 (4), J25-J32, 2005
Active fragmentation of Adria, the north African promontory, central Mediterranean orogen
JS Oldow, L Ferranti, DS Lewis, JK Campbell, B d'Argenio, R Catalano, ...
Geology 30 (9), 779-782, 2002
The 4-D microgravity method for waterflood surveillance: A model study for the Prudhoe Bay reservoir, Alaska
JL Hare, JF Ferguson, CLV Aiken, JL Brady
Geophysics 64 (1), 78-87, 1999
Phase-field imaging: The electromagnetic equivalent of seismic migration
S Lee, GA McMechan, CLV Aiken
Geophysics 52 (5), 678-693, 1987
Outcrop fracture characterization using terrestrial laser scanners: Deep-water Jackfork sandstone at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas
MI Olariu, JF Ferguson, CLV Aiken, X Xu
Geosphere 4 (1), 247-259, 2008
Active displacement transfer and differential block motion within the central Walker Lane, western Great Basin
JS Oldow, CLV Aiken, JL Hare, JF Ferguson, RF Hardyman
Geology 29 (1), 19-22, 2001
Creating virtual 3-D outcrop
X Xu, CLV Aiken, JP Bhattacharya, RM Corbeanu, KC Nielsen, ...
The Leading Edge 19 (2), 197-202, 2000
Regional-residual gravity anomaly separation using the minimum-curvature technique
KL Mickus, CLV Aiken, WD Kennedy
Geophysics 56 (2), 279-283, 1991
Test of Newton’s inverse-square law in the Greenland ice cap
ME Ander, MA Zumberge, T Lautzenhiser, RL Parker, CLV Aiken, ...
Physical Review Letters 62 (9), 985, 1989
The 4D Microgravity Method for Waterflood Surveillance—Gravity Measurements for the Prudhoe Bay Reservoir, Alaska
JF Ferguson, T Chen, J Brady, CLV Aiken, J Seibert
Integrated study of ancient delta-front deposits, using outcrop, ground-penetrating radar, and three-dimensional photorealistic data: Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone, Utah, USA
C Olariu, JP Bhattacharya, X Xu, CLV Aiken, X Zeng, GA Mcmechan
A geophysical model of the Espaņola basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico
S Biehler, J Ferguson, WS Baldridge, GR Jiracek, JL Aldern, M Martinez, ...
Geophysics 56 (3), 340-353, 1991
Models of the Bouguer gravity and geologic structure at Yucca Flat, Nevada
JF Ferguson, RN Felch, CLV Aiken, JS Oldow, H Dockery
Geophysics 53 (2), 231-244, 1988
Digital geologic mapping of the Ferron Sandstone, Muddy Creek, Utah, with GPS and reflectorless laser rangefinders
X Xu, JB Bhattacharya, RK Davies, CLV Aiken
GPS Solutions 5 (1), 15-23, 2001
Geophysical framework of the Peninsular Ranges batholith—Implications for tectonic evolution and neotectonics
VE Langenheim, RC Jachens, C Aiken, DM Morton, FK Miller
Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Baja California and Southern California …, 2014
Laser rangefinders and ArcGIS combined with three-dimensional photorealistic modeling for mapping outcrops in the Slick Hills, Oklahoma
M Alfarhan, L White, D Tuck, C Aiken
Geosphere 4 (3), 576-587, 2008
Interpretation of channelized architecture using three-dimensional photo real models, Pennsylvanian deep-water deposits at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas
MI Olariu, CLV Aiken, JP Bhattacharya, X Xu
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (6), 1157-1170, 2011
Geological data extraction from lidar 3-D photorealistic models: A case study in an organic-rich mudstone, Eagle Ford Formation, Texas
D Minisini, M Wang, SC Bergman, C Aiken
Geosphere 10 (3), 610-626, 2014
Real time and the virtual outcrop improve geological field mapping
X Xu, CLV Aiken, KC Nielsen
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 80 (29), 317-324, 1999
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Articles 1–20