Yun-Chia Liang
Yun-Chia Liang
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management, Yuan Ze University
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Cited by
A particle swarm optimization algorithm for makespan and total flowtime minimization in the permutation flowshop sequencing problem
MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang, M Sevkli, G Gencyilmaz
European journal of operational research 177 (3), 1930-1947, 2007
A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem
QK Pan, MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang
Computers & Operations Research 35 (9), 2807-2839, 2008
An ant colony optimization algorithm for the redundancy allocation problem (RAP)
YC Liang, AE Smith
IEEE Transactions on reliability 53 (3), 417-423, 2004
A discrete differential evolution algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem
QQ Pan, MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
An effective hybrid tabu search algorithm for multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problems
J Li, Q Pan, YC Liang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 59 (4), 647-662, 2010
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for single machine total weighted tardiness problem
MF Tasgetiren, M Sevkli, YC Liang, G Gençyilmaz
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
A genetic algorithm and a particle swarm optimizer hybridized with Nelder–Mead simplex search
SKS Fan, YC Liang, E Zahara
Computers & industrial engineering 50 (4), 401-425, 2006
Hybrid simplex search and particle swarm optimization for the global optimization of multimodal functions
SKS Fan, Y Liang, E Zahara
Engineering optimization 36 (4), 401-418, 2004
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for permutation flowshop sequencing problem
MF Tasgetiren, M Sevkli, YC Liang, G Gencyilmaz
International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2004
Redundancy allocation of series-parallel systems using a variable neighborhood search algorithm
YC Liang, YC Chen
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 92 (3), 323-331, 2007
A binary particle swarm optimization algorithm for lot sizing problem
MF Taşgetiren, YC Liang
Journal of Economic and Social Research 5 (2), 1-20, 2003
Machine learning-based prediction of air quality
YC Liang, Y Maimury, AHL Chen, JRC Juarez
applied sciences 10 (24), 9151, 2020
A discrete differential evolution algorithm for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem with sequence dependent setup times
MF Tasgetiren, QK Pan, YC Liang
Computers & Operations Research 36 (6), 1900-1915, 2009
Particle swarm optimization and differential evolution for the single machine total weighted tardiness problem
M Fatih Tasgetiren, YC Liang, M Sevkli, G Gencyilmaz
International Journal of Production Research 44 (22), 4737-4754, 2006
An ant system approach to redundancy allocation
YC Liang, AE Smith
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99 (Cat. No …, 1999
A novel metaheuristic for continuous optimization problems: Virus optimization algorithm
YC Liang, JR Cuevas Juarez
Engineering Optimization 48 (1), 73-93, 2016
Multi-objective redundancy allocation optimization using a variable neighborhood search algorithm
YC Liang, MH Lo
Journal of Heuristics 16, 511-535, 2010
Meta heuristics for the orienteering problem
YC Liang, S Kulturel-Konak, AE Smith
Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. CEC'02 (Cat …, 2002
A discrete differential evolution algorithm for the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem with total flowtime criterion
MF Tasgetiren, QK Pan, PN Suganthan, YC Liang
2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 251-258, 2007
Particle swarm optimization algorithm for makespan and maximum lateness minimization in permutation flowshop sequencing problem
MF Tasgetiren, YC Liang, M Sevkli, G Gencyilmaz
Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on intelligent …, 2004
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Articles 1–20