Yu Guang Wang
Yu Guang Wang
其他名字Yuguang Wang
Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of New South Wales
在 sjtu.edu.cn 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
A study on effectiveness of extreme learning machine
Y Wang, F Cao, Y Yuan
Neurocomputing 74 (16), 2483-2490, 2011
Weisfeiler and Lehman go topological: Message passing simplicial networks
C Bodnar, F Frasca, YG Wang, N Otter, G Montúfar, P Lio, M Bronstein
ICML 2021 (Spotlight), 2021
Weisfeiler and Lehman Go Cellular: CW Networks
C Bodnar, F Frasca, N Otter, YG Wang, P Liò, G Montúfar, M Bronstein
NeurIPS 2021, 2021
Haar Graph Pooling
YG Wang, M Li, Z Ma, G Montufar, X Zhuang, Y Fan
ICML 2020, 2020
Anomaly detection in dynamic graphs via transformer
Y Liu, S Pan, YG Wang, F Xiong, L Wang, Q Chen, VCS Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (12), 12081-12094, 2021
EqMotion: Equivariant Multi-agent Motion Prediction with Invariant Interaction Reasoning
C Xu, RT Tan, Y Tan, S Chen, YG Wang, X Wang, Y Wang
CVPR 2023, 2023
Fast Haar Transforms for Graph Neural Networks
M Li, Z Ma, YG Wang, X Zhuang
Neural Networks, 2020
How framelets enhance graph neural networks
X Zheng, B Zhou, J Gao, YG Wang, P Lio, M Li, G Montúfar
ICML 2021 (Spotlight), 2021
Path integral based convolution and pooling for graph neural networks
Z Ma, J Xuan, YG Wang, M Li, P Liò
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 16421-16433, 2020
ACMP: Allen-Cahn Message Passing with Attractive and Repulsive Forces for Graph Neural Networks
Y Wang, K Yi, X Liu, YG Wang, S Jin
ICLR 2023 (Spotlight), 2023
Optimization approximation solution for regression problem based on extreme learning machine
Y Yuan, Y Wang, F Cao
Neurocomputing 74 (16), 2475-2482, 2011
Cell graph neural networks enable the precise prediction of patient survival in gastric cancer
Y Wang, YG Wang, C Hu, M Li, Y Fan, N Otter, I Sam, H Gou, Y Hu, ...
NPJ precision oncology 6 (1), 45, 2022
Oversquashing in gnns through the lens of information contraction and graph expansion
PK Banerjee, K Karhadkar, YG Wang, U Alon, G Montúfar
2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2022
An iterative learning algorithm for feedforward neural networks with random weights
F Cao, D Wang, H Zhu, Y Wang
Information Sciences 328, 546-557, 2016
Random point sets on the sphere — hole radii, covering, and separation
JS Brauchart, AB Reznikov, EB Saff, IH Sloan, YG Wang, RS Womersley
Experimental Mathematics 27 (1), 62-81, 2018
A modified extreme learning machine with sigmoidal activation functions
ZX Chen, HY Zhu, YG Wang
Neural Computing and Applications 22, 541-550, 2013
Graph denoising diffusion for inverse protein folding
K Yi, B Zhou, Y Shen, P Liò, YG Wang
NeurIPS 2023, 2023
Decimated Framelet System on Graphs and Fast G-Framelet Transforms
X Zheng, B Zhou, YG Wang, X Zhuang
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022
Fully discrete needlet approximation on the sphere
YG Wang, QT Le Gia, IH Sloan, RS Womersley
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 43 (2), 292, 2017
Covering of spheres by spherical caps and worst-case error for equal weight cubature in Sobolev spaces
JS Brauchart, J Dick, EB Saff, IH Sloan, YG Wang, RS Womersley
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 431 (2), 782-811, 2015
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