Yuan-Mou Chang
Yuan-Mou Chang
在 mail.nutn.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
Using stable isotopes to unravel and predict the origins of great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) overwintering at Kinmen
YM Chang, KA Hatch, TS Ding, DL Eggett, HW Yuan, BL Roeder
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2008
Can short-term citizen science training increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change behavior to protect land crabs?
CH Hsu, YM Chang, CC Liu
Sustainability 11 (14), 3918, 2019
Thermal Acclimation of Metabolic Rate May Be Seasonally Dependent in the Subtropical Anuran Latouche’s Frog (Rana latouchii, Boulenger)
YM Chang, PC Lucy Hou
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78 (6), 947-955, 2005
Demography of a knob-scaled lizard in northeastern Querétaro, México
JG Zamora-Abrego, YM Chang, JJ Zuniga-Vega, ANM de Oca, ...
Herpetologica 66 (1), 39-51, 2010
Full compensation of growth in salt‐tolerant tadpoles after release from salinity stress
WT Hsu, CS Wu, KA Hatch, YM Chang, YC Kam
Journal of Zoology 304 (2), 141-149, 2018
Increasing salinity stress decreases the thermal tolerance of amphibian tadpoles in coastal areas of Taiwan
MF Chuang, YJ Cheng, D Andersen, A Borzée, CS Wu, YM Chang, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 9014, 2022
Population genetic structure in the endemic cyprinid fish Microphysogobio alticorpus in Taiwan: evidence for a new phylogeographical area
CT Jean, CY Wu, KC Tsai, WK Wang, YY Hsu, YM Chang, HD Lin
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 57, 108-116, 2014
Winter breeding and high tadpole densities may benefit the growth and development of tadpoles in a subtropical lowland treefrog
YM Chang, WH Tseng, CC Chen, CH Huang, YF Chen, KA Hatch
Journal of Zoology 294 (3), 154-160, 2014
Brush-tipped Tongue Structure of the Taiwan Yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps) and White-eared Sibia (Heterophasia auricularis)
YM Chang, HY Lin, KA Hatch, CT Yao, HJ Shiu
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (1), 204-208, 2013
Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes may not be good indicators of altitudinal distributions of montane passerines
YM Chang, KA Hatch, HL Wei, HW Yuan, CF You, D Eggett, YH Tu, YL Lin, ...
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123 (1), 33-47, 2011
Occurrence and reproduction of anurans in brackish water in a coastal forest in Taiwan
YM Chang
Herpetology Notes 9, 291-295, 2016
Roosting site usage, gregarious roosting and behavioral interactions during roost-assembly of two Lycaenidae butterflies
YM Chang, KA Hatch, MY Ho, SH Roxburgh, YT Wu, YK Wang, SR Wang, ...
Zoological Studies 59, 2020
Phlegmariurus changii (Huperziaceae), a new hanging firmoss from Taiwan
TY Hsieh
American Fern Journal 102 (4), 283-288, 2012
Highlighting the urgency of conservation strategies for land hermit crabs in the light of current incidents
CH Hsu, J Wang, T Kubo, YM Chang, SS Liu, TP Chen, ST Choi
Crustaceana 96 (11-12), 1191-1194, 2023
Seaward migration and larval release coincide with lunar and light-dark cycles in supratidal land crabs Cardisoma carnifex and Epigrapsus notatus
CC Chang, KA Hatch, CH Hsu, W Hwang, HC Liu, YM Chang
Zoological Studies 62, 2023
Regional Scale High Resolution δ18O Prediction in Precipitation Using MODIS EVI
WP Chan, HW Yuan, CY Huang, CH Wang, SD Lin, YC Lo, BW Huang, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45496, 2012
The Columbia Spotted Frog (Rana luteiventris)—another species persisting with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection
HL Araos, KL Kroft, RM Bogardus, Y Chang, KR Donohue, D Hanley, ...
Herpetological Review 48 (4), 782-786, 2017
The Influence of avian aerial predator location on perceived predation risk and foraging location in five passerine species
YM Chang, KA Hatch, RM Bogardus, D Eggett
Journal of Science and Innovation 3 (3), 97-111, 2013
New Record of Land Hermit Crabs Coenobita pseudorugosus Nakasone, 1988 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) from Taiwan
TP Chen, CH Hsu, YM Chang, ST Choi, SS Liu
Biology Bulletin, 1-6, 2024
“Capture with a camera!” A non-contact method for obtaining the body size data from ovigerous female land crabs during breeding migration
CH Hsu, KA Hatch, W Hwang, CC Chang, CC Liu, WY Huang, CJ Kao, ...
Crustaceana 96 (9), 913-924, 2023
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