Angela Yu-Chen Lin
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Cited by
Impacts of emerging organic contaminants on freshwater resources: review of recent occurrences, sources, fate and effects
A Pal, KYH Gin, AYC Lin, M Reinhard
Science of the total environment 408 (24), 6062-6069, 2010
Pharmaceutical contamination in residential, industrial, and agricultural waste streams: risk to aqueous environments in Taiwan
AYC Lin, TH Yu, CF Lin
Chemosphere 74 (1), 131-141, 2008
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in Taiwan's surface waters: Impact of waste streams from hospitals and pharmaceutical production facilities
AYC Lin, YT Tsai
Science of the Total Environment 407 (12), 3793-3802, 2009
Photodegradation of common environmental pharmaceuticals and estrogens in river water
AYC Lin, M Reinhard
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 24 (6 …, 2005
Removal of pharmaceuticals in secondary wastewater treatment processes in Taiwan
AYC Lin, TH Yu, SK Lateef
Journal of hazardous materials 167 (1-3), 1163-1169, 2009
Sorption and biodegradation of sulfonamide antibiotics by activated sludge: experimental assessment using batch data obtained under aerobic conditions
SF Yang, CF Lin, AYC Lin, PKA Hong
Water research 45 (11), 3389-3397, 2011
Phototransformation of cephalosporin antibiotics in an aqueous environment results in higher toxicity
XH Wang, AYC Lin
Environmental science & technology 46 (22), 12417-12426, 2012
Sonolytic destruction of methyl tert-butyl ether by ultrasonic irradiation: the role of O3, H2O2, frequency, and power density
JW Kang, HM Hung, A Lin, MR Hoffmann
Environmental science & technology 33 (18), 3199-3205, 1999
Potential for biodegradation and sorption of acetaminophen, caffeine, propranolol and acebutolol in lab-scale aqueous environments
AYC Lin, CA Lin, HH Tung, NS Chary
Journal of Hazardous Materials 183 (1-3), 242-250, 2010
The impact of semiconductor, electronics and optoelectronic industries on downstream perfluorinated chemical contamination in Taiwanese rivers
AYC Lin, SC Panchangam, CC Lo
Environmental Pollution 157 (4), 1365-1372, 2009
Fate of sulfonamide antibiotics in contact with activated sludge–sorption and biodegradation
SF Yang, CF Lin, CJ Wu, KK Ng, AYC Lin, PKA Hong
Water Research 46 (4), 1301-1308, 2012
O3 and O3/H2O2 treatment of sulfonamide and macrolide antibiotics in wastewater
AYC Lin, CF Lin, JM Chiou, PKA Hong
Journal of hazardous materials 171 (1-3), 452-458, 2009
Comparison of rhodamine WT and bromide in the determination of hydraulic characteristics of constructed wetlands
AYC Lin, JF Debroux, JA Cunningham, M Reinhard
Ecological Engineering 20 (1), 75-88, 2003
Removal of pharmaceuticals and organic matter from municipal wastewater using two-stage anaerobic fluidized membrane bioreactor
K Dutta, MY Lee, WWP Lai, CH Lee, AYC Lin, CF Lin, JG Lin
Bioresource technology 165, 42-49, 2014
Effects of mass retention of dissolved organic matter and membrane pore size on membrane fouling and flux decline
CF Lin, AYC Lin, PS Chandana, CY Tsai
Water research 43 (2), 389-394, 2009
Decomposition of perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) by heterogeneous photocatalysis in acidic aqueous medium
SC Panchangam, AYC Lin, KL Shaik, CF Lin
Chemosphere 77 (2), 242-248, 2009
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals, hormones, and perfluorinated compounds in groundwater in Taiwan
YC Lin, WWP Lai, H Tung, AYC Lin
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-19, 2015
Impact of wastewaters and hospital effluents on the occurrence of controlled substances in surface waters
AYC Lin, XH Wang, CF Lin
Chemosphere 81 (5), 562-570, 2010
High levels of perfluorochemicals in Taiwan’s wastewater treatment plants and downstream rivers pose great risk to local aquatic ecosystems
AYC Lin, SC Panchangam, PS Ciou
Chemosphere 80 (10), 1167-1174, 2010
Natural attenuation of pharmaceuticals and alkylphenol polyethoxylate metabolites during river transport: photochemical and biological transformation
AYC Lin, MH Plumlee, M Reinhard
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: an International Journal 25 (6 …, 2006
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Articles 1–20