Joe Randall
Joe Randall
Universal Quantum
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A ten-qubit solid-state spin register with quantum memory up to one minute
CE Bradley, J Randall, MH Abobeih, RC Berrevoets, MJ Degen, ...
Physical Review X 9 (3), 031045, 2019
Atomic-scale imaging of a 27-nuclear-spin cluster using a quantum sensor
MH Abobeih, J Randall, CE Bradley, HP Bartling, MA Bakker, MJ Degen, ...
Nature 576 (7787), 411-415, 2019
Fault-tolerant operation of a logical qubit in a diamond quantum processor
MH Abobeih, Y Wang, J Randall, SJH Loenen, CE Bradley, M Markham, ...
Nature 606 (7916), 884-889, 2022
Many-body–localized discrete time crystal with a programmable spin-based quantum simulator
J Randall, CE Bradley, FV van der Gronden, A Galicia, MH Abobeih, ...
Science 374 (6574), 1474-1478, 2021
Trapped-ion quantum logic with global radiation fields
S Weidt, J Randall, SC Webster, K Lake, AE Webb, I Cohen, T Navickas, ...
Physical review letters 117 (22), 220501, 2016
Efficient preparation and detection of microwave dressed-state qubits and qutrits with trapped ions
J Randall, S Weidt, ED Standing, K Lake, SC Webster, DF Murgia, ...
Physical Review A 91 (1), 012322, 2015
Entanglement of spin-pair qubits with intrinsic dephasing times exceeding a minute
HP Bartling, MH Abobeih, B Pingault, MJ Degen, SJH Loenen, ...
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011048, 2022
Generation of high-fidelity quantum control methods for multilevel systems
J Randall, AM Lawrence, SC Webster, S Weidt, NV Vitanov, ...
Physical Review A 98 (4), 043414, 2018
Generation of spin-motion entanglement in a trapped ion using long-wavelength radiation
K Lake, S Weidt, J Randall, ED Standing, SC Webster, WK Hensinger
Physical Review A 91 (1), 012319, 2015
Ground-state cooling of a trapped ion using long-wavelength radiation
S Weidt, J Randall, SC Webster, ED Standing, A Rodriguez, AE Webb, ...
Physical review letters 115 (1), 013002, 2015
Mapping a 50-spin-qubit network through correlated sensing
GL Van de Stolpe, DP Kwiatkowski, CE Bradley, J Randall, MH Abobeih, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 2006, 2024
High-fidelity entanglement of trapped ions using long-wavelength radiation
JAD Randall
Imperial College London, 2016
Adiabatic dynamical-decoupling-based control of nuclear spin registers
OT Whaites, J Randall, TH Taminiau, TS Monteiro
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013214, 2022
Classical computation by quantum bits
B Antonio, J Randall, WK Hensinger, GW Morley, S Bose
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.03420, 2015
Towards fault-tolerant quantum error correction with spin qubits in diamond
M Abobeih, Y Wang, J Randall, S Loenen, C Bradley, B Terhal, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, L33. 001, 2021
Many-body-localized discrete time crystal with a programmable spin-based quantum simulator
C Bradley, J Randall, F van der Gronden, A Galicia, M Abobeih, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, A33. 009, 2022
Multi-qubit devices based on nuclear spins in diamond
J Randall, CE Bradley, MH Abobeih, F van der Gronden, MJ Degen, ...
Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation 11699, 116990V, 2021
Quantum simulations of many-body physics using nuclear-spin qubits in diamond
J Randall, C Bradley, F van der Gronden, M Abobeih, TH Taminiau
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, F29. 008, 2021
Entanglement between two intrinsically coherence-protected spin qubits
H Bartling, M Abobeih, B Pingault, M Degen, S Loenen, C Bradley, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, F29. 010, 2021
Towards fault-tolerant quantum error correction with spins in diamond
M Abobeih, J Randall, Y Wang, S Loenen, C Bradley, B Terhal, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
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