Karen A. Randolph
Karen A. Randolph
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Cited by
Parenting sources: How do parents differ in their efforts to learn about parenting?
M Radey, KA Randolph
Family Relations 58 (5), 536-548, 2009
School-based mentoring programs: A review of the research
KA Randolph, JL Johnson
Children & Schools 30 (3), 177-185, 2008
Placement patterns in foster care
CL Usher, KA Randolph, HC Gogan
Social service review 73 (1), 22-29, 1999
Basic statistics in multivariate analysis
KA Randolph, LL Myers
Oxford University Press, USA, 2013
A strategy for assessing the impact of time-varying family risk factors on high school dropout
KA Randolph, MW Fraser, DK Orthner
Journal of Family Issues 27 (7), 933-950, 2006
Educational resilience among youth at risk
KA Randolph, MW Fraser, DK Orthner
Substance use & misuse 39 (5), 747-767, 2004
A systematic review of interventions to improve post-secondary educational outcomes among foster care alumni
KA Randolph, H Thompson
Children and Youth Services Review 79, 602-611, 2017
Welfare reform and high school dropout patterns for children
DK Orthner, KA Randolph
Children and youth services review 21 (9-10), 881-900, 1999
Welfare reform, poverty, and children's performance in school: Challenges for the school community
DK Orthner, PG Cook, RA Rose, K Randolph
Children & Schools 24 (2), 105-121, 2002
Measuring alcohol expectancies in youth
KA Randolph, MA Gerend, BA Miller
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 35, 939-948, 2006
A framework for engaging parents in prevention
KA Randolph, F Fincham, M Radey
Journal of Family Social Work 12 (1), 56-72, 2009
Validation of a McKinney-Vento Act implementation scale
JP Canfield, ML Teasley, N Abell, KA Randolph
Research on Social Work Practice 22 (4), 410-419, 2012
Effects of parental monitoring on aggressive behavior among youth in the United States and South Korea: A cross-national study
J Lee, KA Randolph
Children and Youth Services Review 55, 1-9, 2015
Mutual aid in the classroom: An instructional technology application
KA Randolph, DJ Krause
Journal of Social Work Education 38 (2), 259-271, 2002
The unique effects of environmental strategies in health promotion campaigns: a review
KA Randolph, P Whitaker, A Arellano
Evaluation and program planning 35 (3), 344-353, 2012
Youth with disabilities transitioning from foster care: Examining prevalence and predicting positive outcomes
LP Cheatham, KA Randolph, LD Boltz
Children and Youth Services Review 110, 104777, 2020
Predictors of early departure among recently hired child welfare workers
DJ Wilke, S Rakes, KA Randolph
Social Work 64 (3), 188-197, 2019
Promoting school success among at risk youth
KA Randolph, RA Rose, MW Fraser, DK Orthner
Journal of Poverty 8 (1), 1-22, 2004
Education and employment transitions among young adults with disabilities: Comparisons by disability status, type and severity
LP Cheatham, K Randolph
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 69 (2), 467-490, 2022
Internet use and resilience in adolescents: A systematic review
M Sage, K Randolph, D Fitch, T Sage
Research on Social Work Practice 31 (2), 171-179, 2021
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