Hannu (TT) Toivonen
Hannu (TT) Toivonen
Professor of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
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Cited by
Fast discovery of association rules
R Agrawal, H Mannila, R Srikant, H Toivonen, AI Verkamo
Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining, 307-328, 1996
Discovery of frequent episodes in event sequences
H Mannila, H Toivonen, A Inkeri Verkamo
Data mining and knowledge discovery 1, 259-289, 1997
Sampling large databases for association rules
H Toivonen
Vldb 96, 134-145, 1996
Efficient Algorithms for Discovering Association Rules
H Mannila, H Toivonen, AI Verkamo
KDD-94: AAAI workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 1994
Finding interesting rules from large sets of discovered association rules
M Klemettinen, H Mannila, P Ronkainen, H Toivonen, AI Verkamo
Proceedings of the third international conference on Information and …, 1994
ProbLog: A probabilistic Prolog and its application in link discovery
L De Raedt, A Kimmig, H Toivonen
IJCAI'07 Proceedings of the 20th international joint conference on Artifical …, 2007
Levelwise search and borders of theories in knowledge discovery
H Mannila, H Toivonen
Data mining and knowledge discovery 1 (3), 241-258, 1997
TANE: An efficient algorithm for discovering functional and approximate dependencies
Y Huhtala, J Kärkkäinen, P Porkka, H Toivonen
The computer journal 42 (2), 100-111, 1999
ContextPhone: A prototyping platform for context-aware mobile applications
M Raento, A Oulasvirta, R Petit, H Toivonen
IEEE pervasive computing 4 (2), 51-59, 2005
Discovering Generalized Episodes Using Minimal Occurrences.
H Mannila, H Toivonen
KDD 96, 146-151, 1996
System and method for providing context sensitive recommendations to digital services
A Sorvari, M Kähäri, H Toivonen, H Mannila, JP Salmenkaita
US Patent 7,570,943, 2009
Apparatus and method for facilitating contact selection in communication devices
A Sorvari, M Kahari, H Toivonen, JP Salmenkaita, C Gheorghiu
US Patent 7,580,363, 2009
Discovery of frequent datalog patterns
L Dehaspe, H Toivonen
Data Mining and knowledge discovery 3, 7-36, 1999
Location-based novelty index value and recommendation system and method
E Räsänen, R Kikta, A Sorvari, JP Salmenkaita, Y Huhtala, H Mannila, ...
US Patent 7,529,639, 2009
Finding Frequent Substructures in Chemical Compounds.
L Dehaspe, H Toivonen, RD King
KDD 98, 1998, 1998
Pruning and grouping of discovered association rules
H Toivonen, M Klemettinen, P Ronkainen, K Hätönen, H Mannila
ECML Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Discovery in …, 1995
Time series segmentation for context recognition in mobile devices
J Himberg, K Korpiaho, H Mannila, J Tikanmaki, HTT Toivonen
Proceedings 2001 IEEE international conference on data mining, 203-210, 2001
Data mining, hypergraph transversals, and machine learning
D Gunopulos, H Mannila, R Khardon, H Toivonen
Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1997
Multiple uses of frequent sets and condensed representations: Extended abstract
H Mannila, H Toivonen
Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data …, 1996
Discovering all most specific sentences
D Gunopulos, R Khardon, H Mannila, S Saluja, H Toivonen, RS Sharma
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 28 (2), 140-174, 2003
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Articles 1–20