xavier luciani
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Tensor decompositions, alternating least squares and other tales
P Comon, X Luciani, ALF De Almeida
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 23 (7‐8), 393-405, 2009
A simple correction method of inner filter effects affecting FEEM and its application to the PARAFAC decomposition
X Luciani, S Mounier, R Redon, A Bois
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 96 (2), 227-238, 2009
Tracing of dissolved organic matter from the SEPETIBA Bay (Brazil) by PARAFAC analysis of total luminescence matrices
X Luciani, S Mounier, HHM Paraquetti, R Redon, Y Lucas, A Bois, ...
Marine Environmental Research 65 (2), 148-157, 2008
Canonical polyadic decomposition based on joint eigenvalue decomposition
X Luciani, L Albera
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 132, 152-167, 2014
Joint eigenvalue decomposition of non-defective matrices based on the LU factorization with application to ICA
X Luciani, L Albera
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (17), 4594-4608, 2015
Semi-algebraic canonical decomposition of multi-way arrays and joint eigenvalue decomposition
X Luciani, L Albera
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Joint eigenvalue decomposition using polar matrix factorization
X Luciani, L Albera
International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation …, 2010
Blind identification of underdetermined mixtures based on the characteristic function: the complex case
X Luciani, ALF de Almeida, P Comon
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (2), 540-553, 2010
CONFAC decomposition approach to blind identification of underdetermined mixtures based on generating function derivatives
ALF de Almeida, X Luciani, A Stegeman, P Comon
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (11), 5698-5713, 2012
Joint eigenvalue decomposition algorithms based on first-order Taylor expansion
R André, X Luciani, E Moreau
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 1716-1727, 2020
How to correct inner filter effects altering 3D fluorescence spectra by using a mirrored cell
X Luciani, R Redon, S Mounier
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 126, 91-99, 2013
Correcting inner filter effects, a non multilinear tensor decomposition method
JE Cohen, P Comon, X Luciani
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 150, 29-40, 2016
Online nonnegative and sparse canonical polyadic decomposition of fluorescence tensors
IW Sanou, R Redon, X Luciani, S Mounier
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 225, 104550, 2022
A new class of block coordinate algorithms for the joint eigenvalue decomposition of complex matrices
R André, X Luciani, E Moreau
Signal Processing 145, 78-90, 2018
A fast algorithm for joint eigenvalue decomposition of real matrices
R André, T Trainini, X Luciani, E Moreau
2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1316-1320, 2015
Analyse numérique des spectres de fluorescence 3D issus de mélanges non linéaires
X Luciani
Université du Sud Toulon Var, 2007
Blind identification of underdetermined mixtures based on the hexacovariance and higher-order cyclostationarity
ALF de Almeida, X Luciani, P Comon
2009 IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 669-672, 2009
Deterministic blind separation of sources having different symbol rates using tensor-based parallel deflation
ALF de Almeida, P Comon, X Luciani
Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation: 9th International Conference …, 2010
A two-step algorithm for joint eigenvalue decomposition-application to canonical polyadic decomposition of fluorescence spectra
R André, X Luciani, L Albera, E Moreau
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 206, 104065, 2020
Low-rank tensor decompositions for quaternion multiway arrays
O Imhogiemhe, J Flamant, X Luciani, Y Zniyed, S Miron
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
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Articles 1–20