Carlos Aliaga
Carlos Aliaga
Meta Reality Labs Research
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To stylize or not to stylize? The effect of shape and material stylization on the perception of computer-generated faces
E Zell, C Aliaga, A Jarabo, K Zibrek, D Gutierrez, R McDonnell, M Botsch
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (6), 1-12, 2015
Display adaptive 3D content remapping
B Masia, G Wetzstein, C Aliaga, R Raskar, D Gutierrez
Computers & Graphics 37 (8), 983-996, 2013
A biophysically‐based model of the optical properties of skin aging
JA Iglesias‐Guitian, C Aliaga, A Jarabo, D Gutierrez
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (2), 45-55, 2015
A radiative transfer framework for spatially-correlated materials
A Jarabo, C Aliaga, D Gutierrez
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (4), 1-13, 2018
An appearance model for textile fibers
C Aliaga, C Castillo, D Gutierrez, MA Otaduy, J Lopez‐Moreno, A Jarabo
Computer Graphics Forum 36 (4), 35-45, 2017
Sackcloth or silk? The impact of appearance vs dynamics on the perception of animated cloth
C Aliaga, C O'Sullivan, D Gutierrez, R Tamstorf
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on applied perception, 41-46, 2015
Human hair inverse rendering using multi-view photometric data
T Sun, G Nam, C Aliaga, C Hery, R Ramamoorthi
The Eurographics Association, 2021
Recent advances in fabric appearance reproduction
C Castillo, J López-Moreno, C Aliaga
Computers & Graphics 84, 103-121, 2019
A realistic surface-based cloth rendering model
J Zhu, A Jarabo, C Aliaga, LQ Yan, MJY Chiang
ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings, 1-9, 2023
Perceived match between own and observed models’ bodies: Influence of face, viewpoints, and body size
L De Coster, P Sánchez-Herrero, C Aliaga, MA Otaduy, J López-Moreno, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 13991, 2020
Neural relighting with subsurface scattering by learning the radiance transfer gradient
S Zhu, S Saito, A Bozic, C Aliaga, T Darrell, C Lassner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09322, 2023
Mixed illumination analysis in single image for interactive color grading
S Duchêne, C Aliaga, T Pouli, P Pérez
Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 1-10, 2017
A Hyperspectral Space of Skin Tones for Inverse Rendering of Biophysical Skin Properties
C Aliaga, M Xia, X Xie, A Jarabo, G Braun, C Hery
Computer Graphics Forum 42 (4), e14887, 2023
Perceptually-optimized content remapping for automultiscopic displays
B Masia, G Wetzstein, C Aliaga, R Raskar, D Gutierrez
ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters, 1-1, 2012
Accelerating Hair Rendering by Learning High‐Order Scattered Radiance
A KT, A Jarabo, C Aliaga, MJY Chiang, O Maury, C Hery, PJ Narayanan, ...
Computer graphics forum 42 (4), e14895, 2023
Estimation of spectral biophysical skin properties from captured rgb albedo
C Aliaga, C Hery, M Xia
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.10695, 2022
Microscale Optical Capture System for Digital Fabric Recreation.
R Alcain, C Heras, I Salinas, J López, C Aliaga
Photoptics, 114-119, 2019
Practical aspects of spectral data in digital content production
A Weidlich, C LeGendre, C Aliaga, C Hery, JM Aubry, J Vorba, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Courses, i-96, 2022
A fiber-level model for predictive cloth rendering
C Aliaga, C Castillo, D Gutierrez, MA Otaduy, J Lopez-Moreno, A Jarabo
ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters, 1-2, 2016
Challenges in Appearance Capture and Predictive Modeling of Textile Materials.
C Castillo, C Aliaga, J López-Moreno
MAM@ EGSR, 21-24, 2017
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Articles 1–20