Jason Gillette
Jason Gillette
Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Iowa State University
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Effects of stride length and running mileage on a probabilistic stress fracture model
WB Edwards, D Taylor, TJ Rudolphi, JC Gillette, TR Derrick
Med Sci Sports Exerc 41 (12), 2177-2184, 2009
Continuous relative phase variability during an exhaustive run in runners with a history of iliotibial band syndrome
RH Miller, SA Meardon, TR Derrick, JC Gillette
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 24 (3), 262-270, 2008
Lower extremity mechanics of iliotibial band syndrome during an exhaustive run
RH Miller, JL Lowry, SA Meardon, JC Gillette
Gait & posture 26 (3), 407-413, 2007
Gait analysis post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: knee osteoarthritis perspective
M Hall, CA Stevermer, JC Gillette
Gait & posture 36 (1), 56-60, 2012
Internal femoral forces and moments during running: implications for stress fracture development
WB Edwards, JC Gillette, JM Thomas, TR Derrick
Clinical Biomechanics 23 (10), 1269-1278, 2008
Effects of running speed on a probabilistic stress fracture model
WB Edwards, D Taylor, TJ Rudolphi, JC Gillette, TR Derrick
Clinical Biomechanics 25 (4), 372-377, 2010
Electromyographic assessment of a shoulder support exoskeleton during on-site job tasks
JC Gillette, ML Stephenson
IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 7 (3-4), 302-310, 2019
The effect of using laparoscopic instruments on muscle activation patterns during minimally invasive surgical training procedures
NE Quick, JC Gillette, R Shapiro, GL Adrales, D Gerlach, AE Park
Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 17, 462-465, 2003
Muscle activity amplitudes and co-contraction during stair ambulation following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
M Hall, CA Stevermer, JC Gillette
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2), 298-304, 2015
The effects of symmetric and asymmetric foot placements on sit-to-stand joint moments
JC Gillette, CA Stevermer
Gait & posture 35 (1), 78-82, 2012
Exoskeletons used as a PPE for injury prevention
T Butler, JC Gillette
Professional safety 64 (03), 32-37, 2019
Using electrical stimulation to control standing posture
JJ Abbas, JC Gillette
IEEE Control systems magazine 21 (4), 80-90, 2001
Kinematic and kinetic indicators of sit-to-stand
CA Stevermer, JC Gillette
Journal of applied biomechanics 32 (1), 7-15, 2016
Medial knee joint loading during stair ambulation and walking while carrying loads
M Hall, ER Boyer, JC Gillette, GA Mirka
Gait & posture 37 (3), 460-462, 2013
EMG analysis of an upper body exoskeleton during automotive assembly
JC Gillette, ML Stephenson
Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the American society of …, 2018
The effects of postseason break on knee biomechanics and lower extremity EMG in a stop-jump task: implications for ACL injury
B Dai, CJ Sorensen, TR Derrick, JC Gillette
Journal of applied biomechanics 28 (6), 708-717, 2012
The effects of postseason break on stabilometric performance in female volleyball players
B Dai, CJ Sorensen, JC Gillette
Sports Biomechanics 9 (2), 115-122, 2010
Foot placement alters the mechanisms of postural control while standing and reaching
JC Gillette, JJ Abbas
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 11 (4 …, 2003
Electromyography-based fatigue assessment of an upper body exoskeleton during automotive assembly
JC Gillette, S Saadat, T Butler
Wearable Technologies 3, e23, 2022
Muscle forces during running predicted by gradient-based and random search static optimisation algorithms
RH Miller, JC Gillette, TR Derrick, GE Caldwell
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 12 (2), 217-225, 2009
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Articles 1–20