Shantia Yarahmadian
Shantia Yarahmadian
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Mississippi State University
在 math.msstate.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
An Ito stochastic differential equations model for the dynamics of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line treated by radiotherapy
A Oroji, M Omar, S Yarahmadian
Journal of theoretical biology 407, 128-137, 2016
On the use of the genetic algorithm filter-based feature selection technique for satellite precipitation estimation
M Mahrooghy, NH Younan, VG Anantharaj, J Aanstoos, S Yarahmadian
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 9 (5), 963-967, 2012
On the use of a cluster ensemble cloud classification technique in satellite precipitation estimation
M Mahrooghy, NH Younan, VG Anantharaj, J Aanstoos, S Yarahmadian
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2012
Existence and stability of steady states of a reaction convection diffusion equation modeling microtubule formation
S Yarahmadian, B Barker, K Zumbrun, SL Shaw
Journal of mathematical biology 63 (3), 459-492, 2011
The use of compressive sensing and peak detection in the reconstruction of microtubules length time series in the process of dynamic instability
M Mahrooghy, S Yarahmadian, V Menon, V Rezania, JA Tuszynski
Computers in biology and medicine 65, 25-33, 2015
A Hybrid Differential Equations Model for the Dynamics of Single and Double Strand Breaks of Cancer Cells Treated by Radiotherapy: A Definition for Tumor Life-Span.
S Yarahmadian, A Oroji, AK Williams
Letters in Biomathematics 9 (1), 2022
A new handoff management system for heterogeneous wireless access networks
S Mojtaba Matinkhah, S Khorsandi, S Yarahmadian
International Journal of Communication Systems 27 (7), 1020-1033, 2014
A load balancing system for autonomous connection management in heterogeneous wireless networks
SM Matinkhah, S Khorsandi, S Yarahmadian
Computer Communications 97, 111-119, 2017
Integration of Thiele Continued Fractions and the method of fundamental solutions for solving unconfined seepage problems
S Shahrokhabadi, F Vahedifard, S Yarahmadian
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 71 (7), 1479-1490, 2016
Phase transition analysis of the dynamic instability of microtubules
S Yarahmadian, M Yari
Nonlinearity 27 (9), 2165, 2014
The dichotomous Markov process with nonparametric test application; a decision support method in long-term river behavioural analysis: the Zayandeh Rud River …
MF Harandi, S Yarahmadian, M Sepehrifar, PH van Gelder
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 28, 1889-1896, 2014
Mathematical models for the effects of hypertension and stress on kidney and their uncertainty
T Waezizadeh, A Mehrpooya, M Rezaeizadeh, S Yarahmadian
Mathematical biosciences 305, 77-95, 2018
Pointwise Green function bounds and long-time stability of large-amplitude noncharacteristic boundary layers
S Yarahmadian, K Zumbrun
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 40 (6), 2328-2350, 2009
A Mathematical Model for Amyloid-𝜷 Aggregation in the Presence of Metal Ions: A Timescale Analysis for the Progress of Alzheimer Disease
E Asili, S Yarahmadian, H Khani, M Sharify
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81, 1943-1964, 2019
Accuracy of shell and solid elements in vibration analyses of thin-and thick-walled isotropic cylinders
W Wang, MS Qatu, S Yarahmadian
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 8 (3), 221-236, 2012
Decreasing renewal dichotomous Markov noise shock model with hypothesis testing applications
M Sepehrifar, S Yarahmadian
Statistical Papers 58, 1115-1124, 2017
On using compressed sensing and peak detection method for the dynamic instability parameters estimation for microtubules modeled in three states
S Yarahmadian, V Menon, V Rezania
2015 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2015
Project-Based Learning in a Virtual Setting: A Case Study on Materials and Manufacturing Process and Applied Statistics
M Foss, Y Liu, S Yarahmadian
International Journal of Engineering Education 38 (5A), 1377-1388, 2022
Novel EM based ML Kalman estimation framework for superresolution of stochastic three-states microtubule signal
V Menon, S Yarahmadian, V Rezania
BMC Systems Biology 12, 117-128, 2018
An improvement on the prediction power of the 3D-QSAR CoMFA models using a hybrid of statistical and machine learning methods: a case study on γ‑secretase modulators of …
H Khani, MB Sepehrifar, S Yarahmadian
Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1-17, 2017
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