Naiquan (Nigel) Zheng
Naiquan (Nigel) Zheng
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, University of Florida, American Sports Medicine Institute
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Biomechanics of the knee during closed kinetic chain and open kinetic chain exercises.
RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, SW Barrentine, KE Wilk, JR Andrews
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 30 (4), 556-569, 1998
Kinematic and kinetic comparison of baseball pitching among various levels of development
GS Fleisig, SW Barrentine, N Zheng, RF Escamilla, JR Andrews
Journal of biomechanics 32 (12), 1371-1375, 1999
Effects of technique variations on knee biomechanics during the squat and leg press
RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, JE LANDER, SW Barrentine, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 33 (9), 1552-1566, 2001
Electromyographic analysis of the rotator cuff and deltoid musculature during common shoulder external rotation exercises
MM Reinold, KE Wilk, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, SW Barrentine, T Chmielewski, ...
Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 34 (7), 385-394, 2004
Alterations in three-dimensional joint kinematics of anterior cruciate ligament-deficient and-reconstructed knees during walking
B Gao, NN Zheng
Clinical biomechanics 25 (3), 222-229, 2010
Pitching biomechanics as a pitcher approaches muscular fatigue during a simulated baseball game
RF Escamilla, SW Barrentine, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, Y Takada, D Kingsley, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 35 (1), 23-33, 2007
Kinematic comparisons of throwing different types of baseball pitches
RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, SW Barrentine, N Zheng, JR Andrews
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 14 (1), 1-23, 1998
An analytical model of the knee for estimation of internal forces during exercise
N Zheng, GS Fleisig, RF Escamilla, SW Barrentine
Journal of biomechanics 31 (10), 963-967, 1998
Rotator cuff repair: a biomechanical comparison of three techniques
RL Waltrip, N Zheng, JR Dugas, JR Andrews
The American journal of sports medicine 31 (4), 493-497, 2003
Kinematic analysis of swing in pro and amateur golfers
N Zheng, SW Barrentine, GS Fleisig, JR Andrews
International Journal of Sports Medicine 29 (06), 487-493, 2008
Kinematic comparisons of 1996 Olympic baseball pitchers
RF Escamilla, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, SW Barrentine, JR Andrews
Journal of sports sciences 19 (9), 665-676, 2001
Long head biceps tenotomy versus tenodesis: a cadaveric biomechanical analysis
RS Wolf, N Zheng, D Weichel
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery 21 (2), 182-185, 2005
Biomechanics of the elbow in sports
J Loftice, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, JR Andrews
Clinics in sports medicine 23 (4), 519-530, 2004
Patellofemoral joint force and stress during the wall squat and one-leg squat
R Escamilla, N Zheng, T Macleod, W Brent Edwards, R Imamura, ...
Medicine+ Science in Sports+ Exercise 41 (4), 879, 2009
Influence of shoulder abduction and lateral trunk tilt on peak elbow varus torque for college baseball pitchers during simulated pitching
T Matsuo, GS Fleisig, N Zheng, JR Andrews
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22 (2), 93-102, 2006
Relationship between bat mass properties and bat velocity
GS Fleisig, N Zheng, DF Stodden, JR Andrews
Sports Engineering 5 (1), 1-8, 2002
Transtibial versus anteromedial portal technique in single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: outcomes of knee joint kinematics during walking
H Wang, JE Fleischli, N Zheng
The American journal of sports medicine 41 (8), 1847-1856, 2013
Falls associated with lower-extremity-nerve blocks: a pilot investigation of mechanisms
SI Muraskin, B Conrad, N Zheng, TE Morey, KF Enneking
Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 32 (1), 67-72, 2007
Three-dimensional joint kinematics of ACL-deficient and ACL-reconstructed knees during stair ascent and descent
B Gao, ML Cordova, NN Zheng
Human movement science 31 (1), 222-235, 2012
Investigation of soft tissue movement during level walking: translations and rotations of skin markers
B Gao, NN Zheng
Journal of biomechanics 41 (15), 3189-3195, 2008
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