Shu-Ya Chen
Shu-Ya Chen
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Assimilation of GPS Refractivity from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Using a Nonlocal Operator with WRF 3DVAR and Its Impact on the Prediction of a Typhoon Event
SY Chen, CY Huang, YH Kuo, YR Guo, S Sokolovskiy
Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci 20, 133-154, 2009
Impact of GPS radio occultation data assimilation on regional weather predictions
CY Huang, YH Kuo, SY Chen, CT Terng, FC Chien, PL Lin, MT Kueh, ...
GPS solutions 14, 35-49, 2010
Observational error estimation of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS radio occultation data
SY Chen, CY Huang, YH Kuo, S Sokolovskiy
Monthly Weather Review 139 (3), 853-865, 2011
Evaluating the impact of the COSMIC RO bending angle data on predicting the heavy precipitation episode on 16 June 2008 during SoWMEX-IOP8
SC Yang, SH Chen, SY Chen, CY Huang, CS Chen
Monthly Weather Review 142 (11), 4139-4163, 2014
An Analysis Study of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data in the Troposphere
Shu-Ya Chen, Chian-Yi Liu, Ching-Yuang Huang, Shen-Cha Hsu, Hsiu-Wen Li, Po ...
Remote Sensing 13 (4), 717, 2021
An impact assessment of GPS radio occultation data on prediction of a rapidly developing cyclone over the Southern Ocean
SY Chen, TK Wee, YH Kuo, DH Bromwich
Monthly Weather Review 142 (11), 4187-4206, 2014
The Impact of GPS RO Data on the Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis Using a Nonlocal Observation Operator: An Initial Assessment
SY Chen, YH Kuo, CY Huang
Monthly Weather Review, 2020
An impact study of GPS radio occultation observations on frontal rainfall prediction with a local bending angle operator
CY Huang, SY Chen, SP Rao Anisetty, SC Yang, LF Hsiao
Weather and Forecasting 31 (1), 129-150, 2016
Two overlooked biases of the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) model in geopotential height and temperature
TK Wee, YH Kuo, DK Lee, Z Liu, W Wang, SY Chen
Monthly weather review 140 (12), 3907-3918, 2012
Impacts of Including Rain Evaporative Cooling in the Initial Conditions on the Prediction of a Coastal Heavy Rainfall Event during TiMREX
CC Tu, YL Chen, SY Chen, YH Kuo, PL Lin
Monthly Weather Review, 2017
Impact of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation data on the prediction of super cyclone Gonu (2007): a case study
SPR Anisetty, CY Huang, SY Chen
Natural hazards 70, 1209-1230, 2014
The impact of airborne radio occultation observations on the simulation of Hurricane Karl (2010)
XM Chen, SH Chen, JS Haase, B Murphy, KN Wang, JL Garrison, ...
Monthly Weather Review 146, 329-350, 2018
Impact of GPS radio occultation refractivity soundings on a simulation of Typhoon Bilis (2006) upon landfall
MT Kueh, CY Huang, SY Chen, SH Chen, CJ Wang
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 20 (1), 115-131, 2009
Determination of near real-time GNSS satellite clocks for the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 satellite mission
TP Tseng, SY Chen, KL Chen, CY Huang, WH Yeh
GPS Solutions, 2018
An impact study of GNSS RO data on the prediction of Typhoon Nepartak (2016) using a multiresolution global model with 3D-hybrid data assimilation
SY Chen, CP Shih, CY Huang, WH Teng
Weather and Forecasting 36 (3), 957-977, 2021
The assimilation of GPS radio occultation data and its impact on rainfall prediction along the west coast of India during monsoon 2002
CY Huang, YH Kuo, SY Chen, ASP Rao, CJ Wang
Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 1577-1591, 2007
Atmospheric Remote Sensing Using Global Navigation Satellite Systems: From FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC to FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
CH Chu, CY Huang, CJ Fong, SY Chen, YH Chen, WH Yeh, YH Kuo
Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 2021
Impact of radio occultation data on the prediction of typhoon haishen (2020) with wrfda hybrid assimilation
SY Chen, TC Nguyen, CY Huang
Atmosphere 12 (11), 2021
Typhoon forecasts with dynamic vortex initialization using an unstructured mesh global model
CY Huang, JY Lin, WC Skamarock, SY Chen
Monthly Weather Review 150 (11), 3011-3030, 2022
Impact of GPS radio occultation soundings on prediction of Typhoon Bilis (2006) landfalling Taiwan
MT Kueh, CY Huang, SY Chen, SH Chen, CJ Wang
Terr. Atmos. Ocean Sci 20, 115-131, 2009
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