Elvan Ceyhan
Elvan Ceyhan
在 auburn.edu 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Cerebral microhemorrhages detected by susceptibility-weighted imaging in amateur boxers
ZI Hasiloglu, S Albayram, H Selcuk, E Ceyhan, S Delil, B Arkan, L Baskoy
American journal of neuroradiology 32 (1), 99-102, 2011
Statistical modeling of single target cell encapsulation
SJ Moon, E Ceyhan, UA Gurkan, U Demirci
PloS one 6 (7), e21580, 2011
Reduced anterior cingulate gray matter volume and thickness in subjects with deficit schizophrenia
M Takayanagi, J Wentz, Y Takayanagi, DJ Schretlen, E Ceyhan, L Wang, ...
Schizophrenia research 150 (2-3), 484-490, 2013
Morphometry of superior temporal gyrus and planum temporale in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder
JT Ratnanather, CB Poynton, DV Pisano, B Crocker, E Postell, S Cebron, ...
Schizophrenia Research 150 (2-3), 476-483, 2013
Exploratory and inferential methods for spatio-temporal analysis of residential fire clustering in urban areas
E Ceyhan, K Ertuğay, Ş Düzgün
Fire safety journal 58, 226-239, 2013
Demonstration of vascular abnormalities compressing esophagus by MDCT: special focus on dysphagia lusoria
F Alper, M Akgun, M Kantarci, A Eroglu, E Ceyhan, O Onbas, C Duran, ...
European journal of radiology 59 (1), 82-87, 2006
A new correlation coefficient for bivariate time-series data
O Erdem, E Ceyhan, Y Varli
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 414, 274-284, 2014
Evaluation of parenchymal neuro-Behçet disease by using susceptibility-weighted imaging
S Albayram, S Saip, ZI Hasiloglu, M Teke, E Ceyhan, M Tutuncu, H Selcuk, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 32 (6), 1050-1055, 2011
The comparison of parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods for reference interval computation in small sample size groups
A Coskun, E Ceyhan, TC Inal, M Serteser, I Unsal
Accreditation and Quality Assurance 18, 51-60, 2013
The use of domination number of a random proximity catch digraph for testing spatial patterns of segregation and association
E Ceyhan, CE Priebe
Statistics & Probability Letters 73 (1), 37-50, 2005
Classification of imbalanced data with a geometric digraph family
A Manukyan, E Ceyhan
Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 (189), 1-40, 2016
A new family of random graphs for testing spatial segregation
E Ceyhan, CE Priebe, DJ Marchette
Canadian Journal of Statistics 35 (1), 27-50, 2007
On the use of nearest neighbor contingency tables for testing spatial segregation
E Ceyhan
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 17, 247-282, 2010
Relative density of the random r-factor proximity catch digraph for testing spatial patterns of segregation and association
E Ceyhan, CE Priebe, JC Wierman
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50 (8), 1925-1964, 2006
A comparison of analysis of covariate-adjusted residuals and analysis of covariance
E Ceyhan, CL Goad
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 38 (10), 2019-2038, 2009
Overall and pairwise segregation tests based on nearest neighbor contingency tables
E Ceyhan
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53 (8), 2786-2808, 2009
Researcher engagement in policy deemed societally beneficial yet unrewarded
GG Singh, VF Farjalla, B Chen, AE Pelling, E Ceyhan, M Dominik, E Alisic, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (7), 375-382, 2019
Prediction and control of number of cells in microdroplets by stochastic modeling
E Ceyhan, F Xu, UA Gurkan, AE Emre, ES Turali, R El Assal, A Acikgenc, ...
Lab on a Chip 12 (22), 4884-4893, 2012
Diagnostic performance of multidetector computed tomography for detecting aorto-ostial lesions compared with catheter coronary angiography: multidetector computed tomography …
M Kantarci, N Ceviz, S Sevimli, U Bayraktutan, E Ceyhan, C Duran, ...
Journal of computer assisted tomography 31 (4), 595-599, 2007
Central similarity proximity maps in Delaunay tessellations
E Ceyhan, C Priebe
Proceedings of the joint statistical meeting, statistical computing section …, 2003
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