Florentin Reiter
Florentin Reiter
Fraunhofer IAF, ETH Zurich
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Dissipative production of a maximally entangled steady state of two quantum bits
Y Lin, JP Gaebler, F Reiter, TR Tan, R Bowler, AS Sørensen, D Leibfried, ...
Nature 504 (7480), 415-418, 2013
Dissipative preparation of entanglement in optical cavities
MJ Kastoryano, F Reiter, AS Sørensen
Physical review letters 106 (9), 090502, 2011
Effective operator formalism for open quantum systems
F Reiter, AS Sørensen
Physical Review A 85 (3), 032111, 2012
Entanglement and spin squeezing in non-Hermitian phase transitions
TE Lee, F Reiter, N Moiseyev
Physical review letters 113 (25), 250401, 2014
Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions
F Reiter, AS Sørensen, P Zoller, CA Muschik
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-11, 2017
Scalable dissipative preparation of many-body entanglement
F Reiter, D Reeb, AS Sørensen
Physical Review Letters 117 (4), 040501, 2016
Generation of sub-3 fs pulses in the deep ultraviolet
F Reiter, U Graf, M Schultze, W Schweinberger, H Schröder, N Karpowicz, ...
Optics letters 35 (13), 2248-2250, 2010
Driving two atoms in an optical cavity into an entangled steady state using engineered decay
F Reiter, MJ Kastoryano, AS Sørensen
New Journal of Physics 14 (5), 053022, 2012
Steady-state entanglement of two superconducting qubits engineered by dissipation
F Reiter, L Tornberg, G Johansson, AS Sørensen
Physical Review A 88 (3), 032317, 2013
Route to attosecond nonlinear spectroscopy
F Reiter, U Graf, EE Serebryannikov, W Schweinberger, M Fieß, ...
Physical review letters 105 (24), 243902, 2010
Higgs analysis with quantum classifiers
V Belis, S González-Castillo, C Reissel, S Vallecorsa, EF Combarro, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 251, 03070, 2021
Preparation of entangled states through Hilbert space engineering
Y Lin, JP Gaebler, F Reiter, TR Tan, R Bowler, Y Wan, A Keith, E Knill, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (14), 140502, 2016
Dissipative preparation of W states in trapped ion systems
DC Cole, JJ Wu, SD Erickson, PY Hou, AC Wilson, D Leibfried, F Reiter
New Journal of Physics 23 (7), 073001, 2021
Photon scattering from a system of multilevel quantum emitters. I. Formalism
S Das, VE Elfving, F Reiter, AS Sørensen
Physical Review A 97 (4), 043837, 2018
Photon scattering from a system of multilevel quantum emitters. II. Application to emitters coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide
S Das, VE Elfving, F Reiter, AS Sørensen
Physical Review A 97 (4), 043838, 2018
Resource-efficient dissipative entanglement of two trapped-ion qubits
DC Cole, SD Erickson, G Zarantonello, KP Horn, PY Hou, JJ Wu, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (8), 080502, 2022
Cooperative breakdown of the oscillator blockade in the Dicke model
F Reiter, TL Nguyen, JP Home, SF Yelin
Physical Review Letters 125 (23), 233602, 2020
Quantum optimal control of the dissipative production of a maximally entangled state
KP Horn, F Reiter, Y Lin, D Leibfried, CP Koch
New Journal of Physics 20 (12), 123010, 2018
Single-photon transistor based on superconducting systems
MT Manzoni, F Reiter, JM Taylor, AS Sørensen
Physical Review B 89 (18), 180502, 2014
High fidelity dissipation engineering using parametric interactions
E Doucet, F Reiter, L Ranzani, A Kamal
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023370, 2020
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