Azzam Mourad
Cited by
Cited by
A survey on federated learning: The journey from centralized to distributed on-site learning and beyond
S AbdulRahman, H Tout, H Ould-Slimane, A Mourad, C Talhi, M Guizani
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (7), 5476-5497, 2020
Federated machine learning: Survey, multi-level classification, desirable criteria and future directions in communication and networking systems
OA Wahab, A Mourad, H Otrok, T Taleb
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1342-1397, 2021
Internet of things intrusion detection: Centralized, on-device, or federated learning?
SA Rahman, H Tout, C Talhi, A Mourad
IEEE network 34 (6), 310-317, 2020
FedMCCS: Multicriteria client selection model for optimal IoT federated learning
S AbdulRahman, H Tout, A Mourad, C Talhi
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (6), 4723-4735, 2020
VANET QoS-OLSR: QoS-based clustering protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
OA Wahab, H Otrok, A Mourad
Computer Communications 36 (13), 1422-1435, 2013
A survey on trust and reputation models for Web services: Single, composite, and communities
OA Wahab, J Bentahar, H Otrok, A Mourad
Decision Support Systems 74, 121-134, 2015
Critical impact of social networks infodemic on defeating coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic: Twitter-based study and research directions
A Mourad, A Srour, H Harmanai, C Jenainati, M Arafeh
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (4), 2145-2155, 2020
AI, blockchain, and vehicular edge computing for smart and secure IoV: Challenges and directions
A Hammoud, H Sami, A Mourad, H Otrok, R Mizouni, J Bentahar
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine 3 (2), 68-73, 2020
Driver stress level detection using HRV analysis
N Munla, M Khalil, A Shahin, A Mourad
2015 international conference on advances in biomedical engineering (ICABME …, 2015
A survey on IoT intrusion detection: Federated learning, game theory, social psychology, and explainable AI as future directions
S Arisdakessian, OA Wahab, A Mourad, H Otrok, M Guizani
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (5), 4059-4092, 2022
CEAP: SVM-based intelligent detection model for clustered vehicular ad hoc networks
OA Wahab, A Mourad, H Otrok, J Bentahar
Expert Systems with Applications 50, 40-54, 2016
Optimal load distribution for the detection of VM-based DDoS attacks in the cloud
OA Wahab, J Bentahar, H Otrok, A Mourad
IEEE transactions on services computing 13 (1), 114-129, 2017
Perception, performance, and detectability of conversational artificial intelligence across 32 university courses
H Ibrahim, F Liu, R Asim, B Battu, S Benabderrahmane, B Alhafni, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 12187, 2023
Towards trustworthy multi-cloud services communities: A trust-based hedonic coalitional game
OA Wahab, J Bentahar, H Otrok, A Mourad
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (1), 184-201, 2016
A cooperative watchdog model based on Dempster–Shafer for detecting misbehaving vehicles
OA Wahab, H Otrok, A Mourad
Computer Communications 41, 43-54, 2014
Ad Hoc Vehicular Fog Enabling Cooperative Low-Latency Intrusion Detection
A Mourad, H Tout, OA Wahab, H Otrok, T Dbouk
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (2), 829-843, 2020
Vehicular-OBUs-as-on-demand-fogs: Resource and context aware deployment of containerized micro-services
H Sami, A Mourad, W El-Hajj
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 28 (2), 778-790, 2020
Dynamic on-demand fog formation offering on-the-fly IoT service deployment
H Sami, A Mourad
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (2), 1026-1039, 2020
On demand fog federations for horizontal federated learning in IoV
A Hammoud, H Otrok, A Mourad, Z Dziong
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19 (3), 3062-3075, 2022
AI-based resource provisioning of IoE services in 6G: A deep reinforcement learning approach
H Sami, H Otrok, J Bentahar, A Mourad
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 18 (3), 3527-3540, 2021
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Articles 1–20