Yan Restu Freski
Yan Restu Freski
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Buku Panduan Ekskursi Geologi Regional Jawa Timur Bagian Barat, Indonesia
S Husein, AD Titisari, YR Freski, PR Utama
Yogyakarta: Departemen Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, UGM, 2016
The geodynamic setting and geological context of Merapi volcano in Central Java, Indonesia
A Harijoko, GI Marliyani, HE Wibowo, YR Freski, E Handini
Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk …, 2023
The effects of alteration degree, moisture and temperature on laser return intensity for mapping geothermal manifestations
YR Freski, C Hecker, M Van der Meijde, A Setianto
Geothermics 97, 102250, 2021
Panduan Ekskursi Geologi Regional 2016 Jawa Timur Bagian Barat, Indonesia
S Husein, AD Titisari, YR Freski, PP Utama
Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016
Geologi Gempa Bumi Indonesia
A Harijoko, A Anggraini, A Setianto, A Hendratno, A Solikhin, A Omang, ...
Morphostratigraphy of Young Lawu Volcano, Central Java and East Java Province, Indonesia in the hazard assessment of future eruption
YR Freski
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2017
Dynamic morphological changes of spit in april–may 2014 in Opak River mouth, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
YR Freski, A Setianto, S Srijono
Journal of Applied Geology 6 (2), 2014
Studi morfologi puncak Gunung Api Lawu Muda: pendekatan prediksi kronologi erupsi di masa depan
YR Freski, S Pramumijoyo, A Harijoko
Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-10, 2017
Analisis dinamika morfologi bura (spit) pada bulan April-Mei 2014 di Muara Sungai Opak, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
YR Freski
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2014
Synergy of airborne thermal infrared imagery and light detection and ranging for geothermal mapping
YR Freski
Remote Detection of Geothermal Alteration Using Airborne Light Detection and Ranging Return Intensity
YR Freski, C Hecker, M Meijde, A Setianto
Remote Sensing 16 (9), 1646, 2024
Remote detection of geothermal alteration from LiDAR return intensity data
YR Freski, C Hecker, M van der Meijde, A Setianto
LiDAR return intensity data for detecting hydrothermal alteration: a preliminary study from laboratory
YR Freski, C Hecker, M van der Meijde, A Setianto
Young Scientists’ Symposium “Visions for the Future of Geoscience”, 2022
Remote detection of geothermal alteration using LiDAR return intensity data
YR Freski, C Hecker, M van der Meijde, A Setianto
18e Netherlands Earth sciences Conference, NAC 2022, 2022
Geothermal surface manifestation characterization using airborne LiDAR return intensity
YR Freski, C Hecker, A Setianto, F van der Meer
World Geothermal Congress 2020+ 1, 2021
IR-Copter: sebuah instrumen penginderaan jauh berbasis termal untuk pengembangan eksplorasi sumber daya alam
A Setianto, YR Freski, V Refikhanata, M Rahim, AS Prasidya
Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-7, 2014
Mekanisme pembentukan spit pada muara Sungai Opak dalam morfodinamika pesisir selatan Pulau Jawa berdasarkan analisis citra multi-temporal
Srijono, YR Freski
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-6 Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah …, 2013
Mekanisme abrasi pesisir di Kawasan Pantai Depok, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
YR Freski, Srijono
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-6 Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah …, 2013
Assessing Modern Volcanoes’ Hazards in Java: Eruptions Trend and Probabilities Analysis
GP Surya, E Handini, ND Barber, DH Amijaya, F Anggara, YR Freski
Available at SSRN 5059812, 0
Remote Detection of Geothermal Alteration Using Airborne Lidar Return Intensity
YR Freski, C Hecker, M van der Meijde, A Setianto
Available at SSRN 4162545, 0
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