Pradap Konda
Cited by
Cited by
Magellan: Toward building entity matching management systems
P Konda, S Das, P Suganthan GC, AH Doan, A Ardalan, JR Ballard, H Li, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (12), 1197-1208, 2016
Magellan: toward building entity matching management systems over data science stacks
P Konda, S Das, AH Doan, A Ardalan, JR Ballard, H Li, F Panahi, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (13), 1581-1584, 2016
The magellan data repository
S Das, A Doan, CG Psgc, P Konda, Y Govind, D Paulsen
Konda," The magellan data repository",[online] Available: https://sites …, 2015
Magellan: toward building ecosystems of entity matching solutions
AH Doan, P Konda, P Suganthan GC, Y Govind, D Paulsen, ...
Communications of the ACM 63 (8), 83-91, 2020
Human-in-the-loop challenges for entity matching: A midterm report
AH Doan, A Ardalan, J Ballard, S Das, Y Govind, P Konda, H Li, S Mudgal, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on human-in-the-loop data analytics, 1-6, 2017
Feature selection in enterprise analytics: a demonstration using an r-based data analytics system
P Konda, A Kumar, C Ré, V Sashikanth
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 6 (12), 1306-1309, 2013
Entity matching meets data science: A progress report from the magellan project
Y Govind, P Konda, P Suganthan GC, P Martinkus, P Nagarajan, H Li, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, 389-403, 2019
Uplink buffer status reporting for delay constrained flows in 3GPP long term evolution
KV Pradap, V Ramachandran, S Kalyanasundaram
2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2009
Toward a system building agenda for data integration
AH Doan, A Ardalan, JR Ballard, S Das, Y Govind, P Konda, H Li, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.00027, 2017
MatchCatcher: A Debugger for Blocking in Entity Matching.
H Li, P Konda, PS GC, AH Doan, B Snyder, Y Park, G Krishnan, R Deep, ...
EDBT, 193-204, 2018
Method and system for prediction and root cause recommendations of service access quality of experience issues in communication networks
S Nagaraj, K Kamdar, MA Schamberger, P Konda
US Patent 9,152,925, 2015
Executing Entity Matching End to End: A Case Study.
P Konda, SS Seshadri, E Segarra, B Hueth, AH Doan
EDBT, 489-500, 2019
Robust channel estimation and detection for uplink control channel in 3GPP-LTE
MR Raghavendra, S Nagaraj, KV Pradap, P Fleming
GLOBECOM 2009-2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-5, 2009
Technical perspective: toward building entity matching management systems
P Konda, S Das, P Suganthan GC, P Martinkus, A Ardalan, JR Ballard, ...
ACM SIGMOD Record 47 (1), 33-40, 2018
Entity Matching Using Magellan: Matching Drug Reference Tables.
ER LaRose, JC Badger, P Konda, AH Doan, PL Peissig
CRI, 2017
Performing entity matching end to end: A case study
P Konda
P, Doan A, Ardalan A, Ballard JR, Li H, Panahi F, et al
P Konda, S Das, GC Suganthan
Magellan: Toward building entity matching management systems. PVLDB 9 (12 …, 2016
Lab performance analysis of a 4G LTE prototype
S Nagaraj, S Garg, F Liang, W Yang, N Mangalvedhe, J Haug, KV Pradap
2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2009
COLUMBUS: Feature Selection on Data Analytics Systems
A Kumar, P Konda, C Ré
algorithms 10, 26, 2013
Exploratory Feature Selection on Large-scale Data
A Kumar, P Konda, C Ré
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Articles 1–20