George S. Chen
George S. Chen
Associate Professor in Economics, UNE Business School
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Cited by
Does human capital matter for energy consumption in China?
R Salim, Y Yao, GS Chen
Energy Economics 67, 49-59, 2017
Can foreign direct investment harness energy consumption in China? A time series investigation
R Salim, Y Yao, GS Chen, L Zhang
Energy Economics 66, 43-53, 2017
Linking early alert systems and student retention: a survival analysis approach
R Villano, S Harrison, G Lynch, GS Chen
Higher Education, 1-18, 2018
Does income inequality hinder economic growth? New evidence using Australian taxation statistics
T Kennedy, R Smyth, A Valadkhani, GS Chen
Economic Modelling 65, 119-128, 2017
Does foreign direct investment crowd in or crowd out private domestic investment in China? The effect of entry mode
GS Chen, Y Yao, J Malizard
Economic Modelling 61, 409-419, 2017
Agglomeration economies and the location of Taiwanese investment in China
GS Chen
Is foreign direct investment globalization‐induced or a myth? A tale of Africa
OA Aluko, GS Chen, EEO Opoku
International Journal of Finance & Economics 28 (3), 2651-2663, 2023
Regional heterogeneities in the absorptive capacity of renewable energy deployment in Africa
EK Manu, GS Chen, D Asante
Renewable Energy 193, 554-564, 2022
Likelihood analysis of student enrollment outcomes using learning environment variables: A case study approach
S Harrison, R Villano, G Lynch, GS Chen
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And …, 2015
Local financial intermediation and foreign direct investment: Evidence from China
Y Yao, GS Chen, L Zhang
International Review of Economics & Finance 72, 198-216, 2021
Achieving environmental sustainability in Africa: The role of financial institutions development on carbon emissions
GS Chen, EK Manu, D Asante
Sustainable Development, 2023
Schooling returns for migrant workers in China: Estimations from the perspective of the institutional environment in a rural setting
Y Yao, GS Chen, R Salim, X Yu
China Economic Review 51, 240-256, 2018
Asymmetric changes in Australia’s small business loan rate
A Valadkhani, GS Chen, B Kotey
Small Business Economics 43 (4), 945-957, 2014
How new economic geography explains provincial wage disparities: Generalised methods of moments approach
HT Hoang, LTD Huynh, GS Chen
Economy of Region 15 (1), 205-215, 2019
An empirical analysis of the US stock market and output growth volatility spillover effects on three Anglo-Saxon countries
A Valadkhani, GS Chen
International Review of Applied Economics 28 (3), 323-335, 2014
Natural resource extraction and environmental sustainability in Africa: The role of voice and accountability
EK Manu, GS Chen, N Hoang, S Leu
Sustainable Development, 2024
Estimating the long-run crude oil demand function of China: Some new evidence and policy options
S Li, US Khan, Y Yao, C George S., L Zhang, R Salim, J Huo
Energy Policy 170, 2022
Do extensive producer services promote manufacturing agglomeration? Evidence from territorial servitisation in Northeast China
D Liu, GS Chen, D Zhi
Ekonomska Istraživanja / Economic Research 32 (1), 3773-3794, 2019
Determinants of Taiwanese investment in China: An agglomeration economies-based perspective
GS Chen
Microeconometric approaches in exploring the relationships between early alert systems and student retention: A case study of a regionally-based university in Australia
S Harrison, R Villano, G Lynch, GS Chen
Journal of Learning Analytics 8, 170-186, 0
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