Guillaume Beslon
Guillaume Beslon
professor at insa-lyon
在 insa-lyon.fr 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
The surprising creativity of digital evolution: A collection of anecdotes from the evolutionary computation and artificial life research communities
J Lehman, J Clune, D Misevic, C Adami, L Altenberg, J Beaulieu, ...
Artificial life 26 (2), 274-306, 2020
New insights into bacterial adaptation through in vivo and in silico experimental evolution
T Hindré, C Knibbe, G Beslon, D Schneider
Nature Reviews Microbiology 10 (5), 352-365, 2012
From artificial evolution to computational evolution: a research agenda
W Banzhaf, G Beslon, S Christensen, JA Foster, F Képès, V Lefort, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 7 (9), 729-735, 2006
Open-ended evolution: Perspectives from the OEE workshop in York
T Taylor, M Bedau, A Channon, D Ackley, W Banzhaf, G Beslon, E Dolson, ...
Artificial life 22 (3), 408-423, 2016
Defining and simulating open-ended novelty: requirements, guidelines, and challenges
W Banzhaf, B Baumgaertner, G Beslon, R Doursat, JA Foster, B McMullin, ...
Theory in Biosciences 135, 131-161, 2016
A long-term evolutionary pressure on the amount of noncoding DNA
C Knibbe, A Coulon, O Mazet, JM Fayard, G Beslon
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (10), 2344-2353, 2007
ROSO: optimizing oligonucleotide probes for microarrays
N Reymond, H Charles, L Duret, F Calevro, G Beslon, JM Fayard
Bioinformatics 20 (2), 271-273, 2004
On the spontaneous stochastic dynamics of a single gene: complexity of the molecular interplay at the promoter
A Coulon, O Gandrillon, G Beslon
BMC systems biology 4, 1-18, 2010
In silico experimental evolution: a tool to test evolutionary scenarios
B Batut, DP Parsons, S Fischer, G Beslon, C Knibbe
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-11, 2013
Quantifying the contribution of chromatin dynamics to stochastic gene expression reveals long, locus-dependent periods between transcriptional bursts
J Viñuelas, G Kaneko, A Coulon, E Vallin, V Morin, C Mejia-Pous, ...
BMC biology 11, 1-19, 2013
Spontaneous dynamics of asymmetric random recurrent spiking neural networks
H Soula, G Beslon, O Mazet
Neural Computation 18 (1), 60-79, 2006
Torsion-mediated interaction between adjacent genes
S Meyer, G Beslon
PLoS computational biology 10 (9), e1003785, 2014
Complex systems science: dreams of universality, interdisciplinarity reality
S Grauwin, G Beslon, E Fleury, S Franceschelli, C Robardet, JB Rouquier, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (7 …, 2012
Stochastic fluctuations and distributed control of gene expression impact cellular memory
G Corre, D Stockholm, O Arnaud, G Kaneko, J Viñuelas, Y Yamagata, ...
PLoS One 9 (12), e115574, 2014
Anomalous versus slowed-down Brownian diffusion in the ligand-binding equilibrium
H Soula, B Caré, G Beslon, H Berry
Biophysical journal 105 (9), 2064-2073, 2013
Evolutionary coupling between the deleteriousness of gene mutations and the amount of non-coding sequences
C Knibbe, O Mazet, F Chaudier, JM Fayard, G Beslon
Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (4), 621-630, 2007
Scaling laws in bacterial genomes: A side-effect of selection of mutational robustness?
G Beslon, DP Parsons, Y Sanchez-Dehesa, JM Pena, C Knibbe
Biosystems 102 (1), 32-40, 2010
Comparative genomics on artificial life
P Biller, C Knibbe, G Beslon, E Tannier
Pursuit of the Universal: 12th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE …, 2016
The complexity ratchet: Stronger than selection, stronger than evolvability, weaker than robustness
V Liard, DP Parsons, J Rouzaud-Cornabas, G Beslon
Artificial life 26 (1), 38-57, 2020
Learning at the edge of chaos: Temporal coupling of spiking neurons controller for autonomous robotic
H Soula, A Alwan, G Beslon
Proceedings of the AAAI spring symposia on developmental robotics, 2005
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