Abdur Rahim
Abdur Rahim
BCSIR Postdoctoral Fellow - Chemistry
在 kookmin.ac.kr 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證 - 首頁
Characterization of humic acid from the river bottom sediments of Burigonga: Complexation studies of metals with humic acid
MA Rahman, MA Hasan, R Abdur, AMS Alam
Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry 11 (1), 11, 2010
ITO-free low-cost organic solar cells with highly conductive poly (3, 4 ethylenedioxythiophene): p-toluene sulfonate anodes
MA Rahman, A Rahim, M Maniruzzaman, K Yang, C Lee, H Nam, H Soh, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 95 (12), 3573-3578, 2011
α-MnO2 nanorod/boron nitride nanoplatelet composites for high-performance nanoscale dielectric pseudocapacitor applications
HR Barai, MM Rahman, A Rahim, SW Joo
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 79, 115-123, 2019
Electrochemical behavior of manganese oxides on flexible substrates for thin film supercapacitors
R Abdur, K Kim, JH Kim, J Lee
Electrochimica Acta 153, 184-189, 2015
Influence of Sn doping on the optoelectronic properties of ZnO nanoparticles
N Munna, R Abdur, R Islam, MS Bashar, SFU Farhad, M Kamruzzaman, ...
Nanoscale Advances 5 (18), 4996-5004, 2023
High performance of pentacene organic thin film transistors by doping of iodine on source/drain regions
R Abdur, K Jeong, MJ Lee, J Lee
Organic Electronics 14 (4), 1142-1148, 2013
Exploring the effects of different parameters on the incorporation of K+ ions in eggshell derived CaO reveals highly variable catalytic efficiency for biodiesel conversion
MR Hasan, R Abdur, MA Alam, S Aziz, A Sujan, D Islam, MS Jamal, ...
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 47 (1), 67-74, 2024
Studies on selected metals and other pollutants in urban atmosphere in Dhaka Bangladesh
MA Rahman, A Rahim, AMS Alam
Dhaka University Journal of Science 61 (1), 41-46, 2013
Boosting Perovskite Solar Cell Stability through a Sputtered Mo-Doped Tungsten Oxide (WOx) Electron Transport Layer
S Mahjabin, MM Haque, MS Bashar, M Shahiduzzaman, MI Hossain, ...
Energy & Fuels 37 (24), 19860-19869, 2023
Phase tunable nickel doped Mn 3 O 4 nanoparticle synthesis by chemical precipitation: kinetic study on dye degradation
J Uddin, R Abdur, MR Hossain, S Aziz, MS Jamal, MAA Shaikh, ...
Nanoscale Advances 6 (3), 902-909, 2024
Effects of chlorine contents on perovskite solar cell structure formed on CdS electron transport layer probed by Rutherford Backscattering
MAK Sheikh, R Abdur, S Singh, JH Kim, KS Min, J Kim, J Lee
Electronic Materials Letters 14, 700-711, 2018
CH3NH3PbBr3 nanocubes-array for solar cell application
BS Swain, MAK Sheikh, S Singh, R Abdur, D Jeong, J Lee
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 74, 361-368, 2018
Mechanical and electrical stability of PEDOT:PTS and Au source/drain electrodes for bottom contact OTFTs on plastic films under bending conditions
JL Rahim Abdur, Young Kyu Lee, Kyunghoon Jeong, Ho-Seok Nam, Young-Ho Kim ...
Organic Electronics 26, 8-14, 2015
Effect of Ge doping on the electrical properties of amorphous Zn–Sn–O thin films
A Sharma, R Abdur, D Kim, AK Tripathi, S Singh, J Lee, SI Yoo
Current Applied Physics 20 (9), 1041-1048, 2020
Enhancing perovskite solar cell performance: Investigating the impact of post-annealing on the optoelectrical and structural properties of RF-sputtered NiO films via SCAPS-1D …
R Abdur, S Choudhury, MS Bashar, MR Hossain, MS Quddus, US Akhtar, ...
Solar Energy 271, 112443, 2024
Effect of Reaction Parameters on CO2 Absorption from Biogas Using CaO Sorbent Prepared from Waste Chicken Eggshell
T Akter, R Abdur, M Shahinuzzaman, MS Jamal, MA Gafur, SK Roy, ...
ACS omega 8 (45), 43000-43007, 2023
Surface Functionalization of Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes by Self-assembled Monolayers for Direct Assembly of Pre-synthesized SnO2 Nanocrystals as Electron Transport Layers
S Singh, R Abdur, HS Nam, JH Kim, SM Lee, H Lee, J Lee
Electronic Materials Letters 19, 267-277, 2023
Effects of the PbBr2:PbI2 Molar Ratio on the Formation of Lead Halide Thin Films, and the Ratio’s Application for High Performance and Wide Bandgap Solar Cells
MAK Sheikh, S Singh, R Abdur, SM Lee, JH Kim, HS Nam, H Lee, J Lee
Materials 15 (3), 837, 2022
A simple process based on NH2- and CH3-terminated monolayers for low contact resistance and adherent Au electrode in bottom-contact OTFTs
R Abdur, J Lim, K Jeong, MA Rahman, J Kim, J Lee
Electronic Materials Letters 12, 197-204, 2016
ITO free organic solar cell with an PEDOT-PTSAuTiO2 grid hybrid electrode as a transparent anode
JL Kiyeul Yang, Md. Maniruzzaman, Mohammad Arifur Rahman, Rahim Abdur ...
Current Applied Physics 15 (Supplement 1), S2-S7, 2015
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