Jean-Christophe Meunier
Jean-Christophe Meunier
Senior researcher & AI Data scientist
在 paradigm.brussels 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
The development of children’s inhibition: Does parenting matter?
I Roskam, M Stievenart, JC Meunier, MP Noël
Journal of experimental child psychology 122, 166-182, 2014
Self-efficacy beliefs amongst parents of young children: Validation of a self-report measure
JC Meunier, I Roskam
Journal of Child and Family Studies 18, 495-511, 2009
Relations between parenting and child behavior: Exploring the child’s personality and parental self-efficacy as third variables
JC Meunier, I Roskam, DT Browne
International Journal of Behavioral Development 35 (3), 246-259, 2011
Externalizing behavior trajectories: The role of parenting, sibling relationships and child personality
JC Meunier, I Roskam, M Stievenart, G Van de Moortele, DT Browne, ...
Journal of applied developmental psychology 32 (1), 20-33, 2011
Multilevel mediation: Cumulative contextual risk, maternal differential treatment, and children's behavior within families
JC Meunier, M Boyle, TG O'Connor, JM Jenkins
Child Development 84 (5), 1594-1615, 2013
Differential parenting and children's behavioral problems: Curvilinear associations and mother–father combined effects.
JC Meunier, R Bisceglia, JM Jenkins
Developmental Psychology 48 (4), 987, 2012
Parent attachment, childrearing behavior, and child attachment: Mediated effects predicting preschoolers' externalizing behavior
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 32 (4), 170-179, 2011
Parental differential treatment, child’s externalizing behavior and sibling relationships: Bridging links with child’s perception of favoritism and personality, and parents …
JC Meunier, I Roskam, M Stievenart, GV De Moortele, DT Browne, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29 (5), 612-638, 2012
Psychometric properties of a parental childrearing behavior scale for French-speaking parents, children, and adolescents
JC Meunier, I Roskam
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 23 (2), 113-124, 2007
The role of parental personality traits in differential parenting.
DT Browne, JC Meunier, TG O'Connor, JM Jenkins
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (4), 542, 2012
The reciprocal relation between children’s attachment representations and their cognitive ability
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Van de Moortele
International Journal of Behavioral Development 35 (1), 58-66, 2011
The determinants of parental childrearing behavior trajectories: The effects of parental and child time-varying and time-invariant predictors
I Roskam, JC Meunier
International Journal of Behavioral Development 36 (3), 186-196, 2012
How do parenting concepts vary within and between the families?
I Roskam, JC Meunier
European Journal of Psychology of Education 24, 33-47, 2009
Do mothers and fathers moderate the influence of each other’s self-efficacy beliefs and parenting behaviors on children’s externalizing behavior?
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 2034-2045, 2016
When there seem to be no predetermining factors: Early child and proximal family risk predicting externalizing behavior in young children incurring no distal family risk
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart, MP Noël
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (1), 627-639, 2013
Psychologie de la parentalité: modèles théoriques et concepts fondamentaux
I Roskam, S Galdiolo, JC Meunier, M Stievenart
De Boeck, 2015
Validation of the preschool and primary school form of a questionnaire assessing parents' childrearing behavior
JC Meunier, I Roskam
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 38 (1), 166-175, 2009
Mothers' differential parenting and children's behavioural outcomes: Exploring the moderating role of family and social context
JC Meunier, M Wade, JM Jenkins
Infant and Child Development 21 (1), 107-133, 2012
Assessment of preschoolers’ attachment security using the Attachment Q-set and the Attachment Story Completion Task.
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Vandemoortele
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment 12 (1), 2012
Stability of young children's attachment representations: Influence of children's and caregiver's characteristics
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Van de Moortele
Journal of applied developmental psychology 35 (2), 61-69, 2014
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