Swapan Mandal
Swapan Mandal
Department of Physics, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan-731235
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Squeezed states in spontaneous Raman and in stimulated Raman processes
B Sen, S Mandal*
Journal of Modern Optics 52 (13), 1789-1807, 2005
Classical and quantum oscillators of quartic anharmonicities: second-order solution
A Pathak, S Mandal
Physics Letters A 286 (4), 261-276, 2001
Line shape and frequency shift of Lamb dip and crossover-resonance dip in closely spaced transitions
S Mandal, PN Ghosh
Physical Review A 45 (7), 4990, 1992
Quantum oscillator of quartic anharmonicity
S Mandal
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (27), L501, 1998
Intermodal entanglement in Raman processes
B Sen, SK Giri, S Mandal, CHR Ooi, A Pathak
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 022325, 2013
Quantum statistical properties of the radiation field in spontaneous Raman and stimulated Raman processes
B Sen, S Mandal, J Perina
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (7), 1417, 2007
Approximate quantum statistical properties of a nonlinear optical coupler
S Mandal, J Perina
Physics Letters A 328 (2-3), 144-156, 2004
Phase fluctuations of coherent light coupled to a nonlinear medium of inversion symmetry
A Pathak, S Mandal
Physics Letters A 272 (5-6), 346-352, 2000
On the squeezing of coherent light coupled to a driven damped harmonic oscillator with time dependent mass and frequency
S Mandal
Physics Letters A 321 (5-6), 308-318, 2004
Line shape, frequency shift, Rabi splitting, and two-photon resonances in four-level double-resonance spectroscopy with closely spaced intermediate levels
S Mandal, PN Ghosh
Physical Review A 47 (6), 4934, 1993
Classical and quantum oscillators of sextic and octic anharmonicities
A Pathak, S Mandal
Physics Letters A 298 (4), 259-270, 2002
Amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing in stimulated Raman and in spontaneous Raman scattering
B Sen, S Mandal
Journal of Modern Optics 55 (11), 1697-1711, 2008
Lower-and higher-order nonclassicality in a Bose-condensed optomechanical-like system and a Fabry-Perot cavity with one movable mirror: squeezing, antibunching and entanglement
N Alam, K Thapliyal, A Pathak, B Sen, A Verma, S Mandal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03967, 2017
Effects of field-induced quantum coherence on the absorptive line shape of a four-level system with three closely spaced upper levels
S Ghosh, S Mandal
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (2), 023407, 2004
Squeezing, higher-order squeezing, photon-bunching and photon-antibunching in a quadratic Hamiltonian
S Mandal
Modern Physics Letters B 16 (25), 963-973, 2002
On the possibility of continuous generation of squeezed states in a quartic anharmonic oscillator
S Mandal
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33 (5), 1029, 2000
Lineshape theory of doppler-free coupled closely spaced transitions in the presence of a strong radiation field: The effect of non-resonant interactions
PN Ghosh, S Mandal
Chemical physics letters 164 (2-3), 279-284, 1989
The solutions of the generalized classical and quantum harmonic oscillators with time dependent mass, frequency, two-photon parameter and external force: The squeezing effects
SK Singh, S Mandal
Optics communications 283 (23), 4685-4695, 2010
An intuitive approach to the higher order solutions for classical and quantum oscillators of quartic anharmonicity
S Mandal
Physics Letters A 299 (5-6), 531-542, 2002
Nonclassical properties of coherent light in a pair of coupled anharmonic oscillators
N Alam, S Mandal
Optics Communications 359, 221-233, 2016
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