On the notion of entanglement in Hilbert space AS Holevo, ME Shirokov, RF Werner Russian Math. Surveys 60 (2), 153-154, 2005 | 112* | 2005 |
Continuous ensembles and the capacity of infinite-dimensional quantum channels AS Holevo, ME Shirokov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 50 (1), 86-98, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
On approximation of infinite-dimensional quantum channels ME Shirokov, AS Holevo Problems of Information Transmission 44 (2), 73-90, 2008 | 88* | 2008 |
On Shor’s channel extension and constrained channels AS Holevo, ME Shirokov Communications in mathematical physics 249 (2), 417-430, 2004 | 65 | 2004 |
The Holevo capacity of infinite dimensional channels and the additivity problem ME Shirokov Communications in mathematical physics 262 (1), 137-159, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |
Chaotic synchronization in ensembles of coupled maps AS Dmitriev, M Shirokov, SO Starkov Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, IEEE …, 1997 | 47 | 1997 |
Multiple access communication system using chaotic signals and method for generating and extracting chaotic signals AS Dmitriev, SO Starkov, ME Shirokov, AI Panas, Y Li, W Tong, RR Wang US Patent 6,999,445, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Mutual and coherent information for infinite-dimensional quantum channels AS Holevo, ME Shirokov Problems of information transmission 46 (3), 201-218, 2010 | 37* | 2010 |
On classical capacities of infinite-dimensional quantum channels AS Holevo, ME Shirokov Problems of Information Transmission 49 (1), 15-31, 2013 | 34* | 2013 |
On superactivation of zero-error capacities of a quantum channel and its implications M Shirokov, T Shulman arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.2610, 2013 | 33* | 2013 |
Entropy reduction of quantum measurements ME Shirokov Journal of Mathematical Physics 52, 052202, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |
Синхронизация ансамблей связанных отображений АС Дмитриев, СО Старков, МЕ Широков Известия вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика 4 (4-5), 40, 1996 | 31 | 1996 |
Conditions for coincidence of the classical capacity and entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum channel ME Shirokov Problems of Information Transmission 48 (2), 85-101, 2012 | 28* | 2012 |
Reversibility conditions for quantum channels and their applications ME Shirokov Sbornik: Mathematics 204 (8), 1215, 2013 | 19* | 2013 |
Superadditivity of the convex closure of the output entropy of a quantum channel ME Shirokov Russian Mathematical Surveys 61 (6), 1186-1188, 2006 | 19* | 2006 |
Schmidt Number and Partially Entanglement-Breaking Channels in Infinite-Dimensional Quantum Systems ME Shirokov Matematicheskie Zametki 93 (5), 775-789, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
On reversibility of Bosonic linear channels with respect to families of pure states ME Shirokov arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.2354, 2012 | 11* | 2012 |
Regular semigroups of endomorphisms of von Neumann factors GG Amosov, AV Bulinskii, ME Shirokov Mathematical Notes 70 (5-6), 583-598, 2001 | 11 | 2001 |
The continuity of the output entropy of positive maps ME Shirokov Sbornik: Mathematics 202 (10), 1537, 2011 | 10* | 2011 |
On the structure of optimal sets for a quantum channel ME Shirokov Problems of Information Transmission 42 (4), 282-297, 2006 | 7* | 2006 |