Chen-Chung Liu
Chen-Chung Liu
在 cl.ncu.edu.tw 的電子郵件地址已通過驗證
The effect of simulation games on the learning of computational problem solving
CC Liu, YB Cheng, CW Huang
Computers & Education 57 (3), 1907-1918, 2011
An analysis of peer interaction patterns as discoursed by on-line small group problem-solving activity
CC Liu, CC Tsai
Computers & Education 50 (3), 627-639, 2008
Students’ guided inquiry with simulation and its relation to school science achievement and scientific literacy
CT Wen, CC Liu, HY Chang, CJ Chang, MH Chang, SHF Chiang, ...
Computers & Education 149, 103830, 2020
Enhancing language learning through creation: The effect of digital storytelling on student learning motivation and performance in a school English course
KP Liu, SJD Tai, CC Liu
Educational Technology Research and Development 66, 913-935, 2018
An analysis of children’interaction with an AI chatbot and its impact on their interest in reading
CC Liu, MG Liao, CH Chang, HM Lin
Computers & Education 189, 104576, 2022
An analysis of student collaborative problem solving activities mediated by collaborative simulations
CJ Chang, MH Chang, BC Chiu, CC Liu, SHF Chiang, CT Wen, ...
Computers & Education 114, 222-235, 2017
Computational thinking education in the Asian Pacific region
HJ So, MSY Jong, CC Liu
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 29, 1-8, 2020
Discovering decision knowledge from web log portfolio for managing classroom processes by applying decision tree and data cube technology
GD Chen, CC Liu, KL Ou, BJ Liu
Journal of Educational Computing Research 23 (3), 305-332, 2000
An analysis of student engagement patterns in language learning facilitated by Web 2.0 technologies
CC Liu, PC Wang, SJD Tai
ReCALL 28 (2), 104-122, 2016
Do handheld devices facilitate face‐to‐face collaboration? Handheld devices with large shared display groupware to facilitate group interactions
CC Liu, LC Kao
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 23 (4), 285-299, 2007
Collaborative storytelling experiences in social media: Influence of peer-assistance mechanisms
CC Liu, KP Liu, WH Chen, CP Lin, GD Chen
Computers & Education 57 (2), 1544-1556, 2011
An enhanced concept map approach to improving children’s storytelling ability
CC Liu, HSL Chen, JL Shih, GT Huang, BJ Liu
Computers & Education 56 (3), 873-884, 2011
Interest-driven creator theory: Towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the twenty-first century
TW Chan, CK Looi, W Chen, LH Wong, B Chang, CCY Liao, H Cheng, ...
Journal of Computers in Education 5, 435-461, 2018
The impact of peer review on creative self-efficacy and learning performance in Web 2.0 learning activities
CC Liu, KH Lu, LY Wu, CC Tsai
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (2), 286-297, 2016
Student engagement in long-term collaborative EFL storytelling activities: An analysis of learners with English proficiency differences
YY Huang, CC Liu, Y Wang, CC Tsai, HM Lin
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 20 (3), 95-109, 2017
Web learning portfolios: A tool for supporting performance awareness
GD Chen, CC Liu, KL Ou, MS Lin
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 38 (1), 19-30, 2001
A social network analysis on elementary student engagement in the networked creation community
CC Liu, YC Chen, SJD Tai
Computers & Education 115, 114-125, 2017
Intervention and strategy analysis for web group‐learning
GD Chen, KL Ou, CC Liu, BJ Liu
Journal of computer assisted learning 17 (1), 58-71, 2001
Analysis of peer interaction in learning activities with personal handhelds and shared displays
CC Liu, CW Chung, NS Chen, BJ Liu
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 12 (3), 127-142, 2009
Peer assessment through web‐based knowledge acquisition: Tools to support conceptual awareness
CC Liu*, CM Tsai
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 42 (1), 43-59, 2005
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