Viktor Pekar
Cited by
Cited by
Ontology learning part one—on discovering taxonomic relations from the web
A Maedche, V Pekar, S Staab
Web intelligence, 301-319, 2002
Taxonomy learning-factoring the structure of a taxonomy into a semantic classification decision
V Pekar, S Staab
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2002
Discovery of subjective evaluations of product features in hotel reviews
V Pekar, S Ou
Journal of Vacation Marketing 14 (2), 145-155, 2008
Translation universals: do they exist? A corpus-based NLP study of convergence and simplification
GC Pastor, R Mitkov, N Afzal, V Pekar
8th AMTA conference, 75-81, 2008
Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering.
S Ou, V Pekar, C Orasan, C Spurk, M Negri
LREC, 2008
Anaphora resolution: To what extent does it help NLP applications?
R Mitkov, R Evans, C Orăsan, LA Ha, V Pekar
Anaphora: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications: 6th Discourse Anaphora and …, 2007
A Comparison of Summarisation Methods Based on Term Specificity Estimation.
C Orasan, V Pekar, L Hasler
LREC, 2004
Methods for extracting and classifying pairs of cognates and false friends
R Mitkov, V Pekar, D Blagoev, A Mulloni
Machine translation 21, 29-53, 2007
Finding translations for low-frequency words in comparable corpora
V Pekar, R Mitkov, D Blagoev, A Mulloni
Machine Translation 20, 247-266, 2006
Automatic Detection of Orthographics Cues for Cognate Recognition.
A Mulloni, V Pekar
LREC, 2387-2390, 2006
Early detection of heterogeneous disaster events using social media
V Pekar, J Binner, H Najafi, C Hale, V Schmidt
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 71 (1), 43-54, 2020
Feature weighting for co-occurrence-based classification of words
V Pekar, M Krkoska, S Staab
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on …, 2004
Acquisition of verb entailment from text
V Pekar
Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Main …, 2006
Word classification based on combined measures of distributional and semantic similarity
V Pekar, S Staab
10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational …, 2003
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of firms in the era of geopolitical conflicts
M Saharti, SM Chaudhry, V Pekar, E Bajoori
Journal of Environmental Management 351, 119744, 2024
New generation translation memory: content-sensivite matching
V Pekar, R Mitkov
Proceedings of the 40th anniversary congress of the swiss association of …, 2007
Linguistic preprocessing for distributional classification of words
V Pekar
Proceedings of the Workshop on Enhancing and Using Electronic Dictionaries …, 2004
Forecasting consumer spending from purchase intentions expressed on social media
V Pekar, J Binner
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017
Discovery of event entailment knowledge from text corpora
V Pekar
Computer Speech & Language 22 (1), 1-16, 2008
Ubham: Lexical resources and dependency parsing for aspect-based sentiment analysis
V Pekar, N Afzal, B Bohnet
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2014
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Articles 1–20