John C Hershey
John C Hershey
The Wharton School
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Framing, Probability Distortions, and Insurance Decisions
EJ Johnson
Springer Netherlands, 1993
Outcome bias in decision evaluation.
J Baron, JC Hershey
Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (4), 569, 1988
Promises and lies: Restoring violated trust
ME Schweitzer, JC Hershey, ET Bradlow
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 101 (1), 1-19, 2006
Sources of bias in assessment procedures for utility functions
JC Hershey, HC Kunreuther, PJH Schoemaker
Management science 28 (8), 936-954, 1982
Probability versus certainty equivalence methods in utility measurement: Are they equivalent?
JC Hershey, PJH Schoemaker
Management Science 31 (10), 1213-1231, 1985
Risk taking and problem context in the domain of losses: An expected utility analysis
JC Hershey, PJH Schoemaker
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 111-132, 1980
Cognitive processes and the decisions of some parents to forego pertussis vaccination for their children
JR Meszaros, DA Asch, J Baron, JC Hershey, H Kunreuther, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 49 (6), 697-703, 1996
In a mailed physician survey, questionnaire length had a threshold effect on response rate
C Jepson, DA Asch, JC Hershey, PA Ubel
Journal of clinical epidemiology 58 (1), 103-105, 2005
Prospect theory's reflection hypothesis: A critical examination
JC Hershey, PJH Schoemaker
Organizational behavior and human performance 25 (3), 395-418, 1980
Psychological determinants of decision attitude
J Beattie, J Baron, JC Hershey, MD Spranca
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 7 (2), 129-144, 1994
A three-stage manpower planning and scheduling model—a service-sector example
WJ Abernathy, N Baloff, JC Hershey, S Wandel
Operations Research 21 (3), 693-711, 1973
Omission bias and pertussis vaccination
DA Asch, J Baron, JC Hershey, H Kunreuther, J Meszaros, I Ritov, ...
Medical decision making 14 (2), 118-123, 1994
The roles of altruism, free riding, and bandwagoning in vaccination decisions
JC Hershey, DA Asch, T Thumasathit, J Meszaros, VV Waters
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 59 (2), 177-187, 1994
Use of social media across US hospitals: descriptive analysis of adoption and utilization
HM Griffis, AS Kilaru, RM Werner, DA Asch, JC Hershey, S Hill, YP Ha, ...
Journal of medical internet research 16 (11), e264, 2014
Determinants of priority for risk reduction: The role of worry
J Baron, JC Hershey, H Kunreuther
Risk analysis 20 (4), 413-428, 2000
Heuristics and biases in diagnostic reasoning: II. Congruence, information, and certainty
J Baron, J Beattie, JC Hershey
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 42 (1), 88-110, 1988
Patient compliance with antihypertensive medication.
JC Hershey, BG Morton, JB Davis, MJ Reichgott
American journal of public health 70 (10), 1081-1089, 1980
The role of physicians’ recommendations in medical treatment decisions
AD Gurmankin, J Baron, JC Hershey, PA Ubel
Medical Decision Making 22 (3), 262-271, 2002
Making sense out of utilization data
JC Hershey, HS Luft, JM Gianaris
Medical Care 13 (10), 838-854, 1975
Do nonpatients underestimate the quality of life associated with chronic health conditions because of a focusing illusion?
PA Ubel, G Loewenstein, J Hershey, J Baron, T Mohr, DA Asch, C Jepson
Medical Decision Making 21 (3), 190-199, 2001
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