Thomas Heinis
Cited by
Cited by
Reconstruction and simulation of neocortical microcircuitry
H Markram, E Muller, S Ramaswamy, MW Reimann, M Abdellah, ...
Cell 163 (2), 456-492, 2015
Efficient lineage tracking for scientific workflows
T Heinis, G Alonso
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2008
Design and evaluation of an autonomic workflow engine
T Heinis, C Pautasso, G Alonso
Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'05), 27-38, 2005
Just-in-time data virtualization: Lightweight data management with ViDa
M Karpathiotakis, I Alagiannis, T Heinis, M Branco, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems …, 2015
Developing scientific workflows from heterogeneous services
A Tsalgatidou, G Athanasopoulos, M Pantazoglou, C Pautasso, T Heinis, ...
ACM Sigmod Record 35 (2), 22-28, 2006
TOUCH: in-memory spatial join by hierarchical data-oriented partitioning
S Nobari, F Tauheed, T Heinis, P Karras, S Bressan, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2013
Autonomic execution of web service compositions
C Pautasso, T Heinis, G Alonso
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 2005
Autonomic resource provisioning for software business processes
C Pautasso, T Heinis, G Alonso
Information and Software Technology 49 (1), 65-80, 2007
OligoArchive: Using DNA in the DBMS storage hierarchy
R Appuswamy, K Lebrigand, P Barbry, M Antonini, O Madderson, ...
Biennal Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR 2019), p98, 2019
Accelerating range queries for brain simulations
F Tauheed, L Biveinis, T Heinis, F Schurmann, H Markram, A Ailamaki
2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, 941-952, 2012
Efficient mining of regional movement patterns in semantic trajectories
DW Choi, J Pei, T Heinis
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 10 (13), 2073-2084, 2017
QUASII: query-aware spatial incremental index
M Pavlovic, D Sidlauskas, T Heinis, A Ailamaki
21st International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2018
Parinda: an interactive physical designer for postgresql
C Maier, D Dash, I Alagiannis, A Ailamaki, T Heinis
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2010
JOpera: Autonomic Service Orchestration.
C Pautasso, T Heinis, G Alonso
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 29 (3), 32-39, 2006
Interpolation-friendly B-trees: Bridging the Gap Between Algorithmic and Learned Indexes
A Hadian, T Heinis
Considerations for handling updates in learned index structures
A Hadian, T Heinis
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Exploiting Artificial …, 2019
SCOUT: prefetching for latent feature following queries
F Tauheed, T Heinis, F Shürmann, H Markram, A Ailamaki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.0276, 2012
Hands-off Model Integration in Spatial Index Structures
A Hadian, A Kumar, T Heinis
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Applied AI for Database …, 2020
The prospect of artificial intelligence to personalize assisted reproductive technology
S Hanassab, A Abbara, AC Yeung, M Voliotis, K Tsaneva-Atanasova, ...
Npj digital medicine 7 (1), 55, 2024
Survey of information encoding techniques for dna
T Heinis, R Sokolovskii, JJ Alnasir
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (4), 1-30, 2023
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Articles 1–20